Saturday, January 11, 2025

Agent Tools

    It’s Time to Take an Easier Path

    Imagine what the future would look like if you could stop cold calling, door knocking, or chasing after FSBOs indefinitely – or at least cut way down on those activities?

    Ditching the more distasteful aspects of your real estate lead generation routine may be possible. If you vow, right now, to get serious about your CRM database.

    Warm calls are so much more pleasant. Making phone calls and having happy people answer the phone beats a cold call any day.

    It’s time to make building better relationships with people you already know, your priority.

    Are you only fishing for a day?

    Have you ever heard the adage “You can give someone a fish and they have food for a day or you can teach them to fish and they’ll be fed forever?

    I look at an SOI database in a similar way.

    You can get by living “listing to listing” just making ends meet or you can build a robust SOI database that will feed you ongoing listings, indefinitely.

    The Holiday Scheduled Campaign is shown above. It’s the perfect way to stay in touch with your sphere. Learn more, HERE

    The first method is all about instant gratification and takes a smaller amount of effort.

    The second method is about building something for the future, something substantial, that will take ongoing effort, but the rewards will be significant and lasting.

    So the question is, how do you want to live your life – fish by fish or with an endless stream of dinners?

    That being said, how’s your sphere of influence going?

    Agents who have been in the business for more than a minute tell horror stories about friends and even family members who “forgot” that they were in real estate and listed their homes with another agent.

    I guarantee you at some point this has happened to you, whether you’re aware or not.

    In fact, NAR states,

    “The typical real estate agent, sadly, earned 13 percent of their business from repeat clients and 17 percent from referrals.”

    Look at those numbers – they’re frustrating, aren’t they?

    Especially when NAR also states that nearly 90 percent of real estate consumers say they would use their agent again in the future.

    If past clients liked their experience with their agent shouldn’t agents be getting more than 17 percent of their business from them?

    Did they forget about you because you’ve forgotten to stay in front of them and nurture them?

    What has neglecting your sphere REALLY cost you?

    If your strategy has been only chasing new leads instead of working on your sphere, you may have lost sight of the lifetime value of your client.

    Take a past client for who you earned $4,000 in commission. Assume (by staying present in their life) you are their agent for four more buying and selling transactions (of the same value) over time that’s $16,000 in revenue.

    Now let’s say they send you two referrals per year for the next 10 years (of a similar value) that’s $80,000. This ONE client has a potential lifetime value of $96,000. How many clients, just like this, have you let fall to the waste side over the years?

    What has that decision cost your real estate business?

    Time to refocus your attention

    We get it, agents have a ton of irons in the fire during the typical work week, and keeping in contact with their SOI typically ends up as a low priority.

    What would happen, though, if you moved your SOI up on the “To Do” list? Made those warm contacts (instead of contacting strangers) a priority?

    You’ll end up on the minds of the people in your sphere, including your past clients, and when someone mentions to them they’re thinking about buying or selling a home, guess what happens next?

    So, how to get your real estate business on the referral track?

    Step 1: Organize your database

    Yeah, it doesn’t sound like a whole lot of fun, but it’s necessary to keep you on track. If you already have an organizational method, you’re one step ahead. If not, let’s create a simple one.

    Start by grouping your contacts. There are many ways to group them, so choose labels that make sense to you. Some suggestions include:

    • Hot leads (new incoming leads)
    • Cold leads (people you haven’t been able to reach)
    • Family, friends, past clients
    • Vendors
    • People you know through your kids
    • Neighbors
    Step 2: Go through all of the contacts and verify the information

    At a minimum, you should have the contact’s full name and the name of immediate family members. Naturally, you won’t have family member info for some contacts, such as leads, and that’s okay.

    Step 3: Pick up the phone and start calling people

    Start with people you know, like past clients, relatives, and friends. Let them know you’re thinking of them and checking in to see if you can help them with anything.

    While on the phone, tell them you’re updating your database and want to ensure you have their correct contact information. Verify that their addresses (mailing and email) are current and that you have the best phone number to contact them.

    Birthdates are important too (people LOVE getting birthday cards and it’s a great excuse to call). You don’t need a year, just ask for the month and day.

    When you make these calls, listen carefully to their end of the conversation for any tidbits you can add to the database. Great information to note in their record includes important family milestones, news on their business/job, or events involving their children or spouse.

    Then, as soon as you hang up, DO THIS! Update their information in the database, don’t “think” you’ll remember, just do it.

    And, schedule a follow-up call in your database, and a reminder to prompt you to send them a birthday card, anniversary card, etc.

    If they told you about an important event that’s coming up, wouldn’t it be great to mark your calendar with a reminder to shoot them an email and ask how everything went?

    Step 4: Committ to a time in your weekly schedule to work your Sphere

    You’ve started the process of building toward a future don’t stop now. Before you know it, you’ll have an organized, clean database, making your real estate lead generation a much more enjoyable and rewarding process.

    Two free tools that will make the process of building up your database much easier:

    1. The Free 12 Month Done-For-You Strategic Marketing Plan

    The Real Estate Marketing Planner is a powerful 12-Month-Guide that strategically defines what marketing to do when. Four key market segments are included, niche Markets, geographic farming, sphere of influence, and past clients. – Click Here

    2. The BusinessBase, SOI building system

    The most effective thing you can do to build a real estate business is to become more visible, more likable, and remembered more often. The BusinessBASE™ not only checks all of these boxes, but it is a business building machine. In two easy steps, you can begin to build a robust sphere of influence that will provide you a lifetime of repeat business and referrals. – Click Here

    PLUS: When you have time…below are some additional tools to support your success.

    The Free Interactive Real Estate Business Plan

    The Free Interactive Real Estate Business Plan allows you to enter your business goals for this year and get a breakdown of how many prospects, listings, closing, and so on are needed to reach your goals.  – Click Here

    The Become a Listing Legend Free eBook 

    This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Become-A-Listing-Legend-3D-Book-White-274x300.jpg

    Ready to take a vertical leap in your real estate career? If you’re looking for inspiration…and the tools and methods to dominate a market and go to the top in real estate…you’ll find them in this free book. – Click Here

    The Take a Listing Today Podcast

    The Take a Listing Today Podcast

    Watch the ProspectsPLUS!, Take a Listing Today Podcast for actionable content to help you get more listings. – Click Here

    Please reach out to our support team at 866.405.3638 with questions or if there is anything we can do to help you in your success.

    We’re here to support you.

    Your ProspectsPLUS! Team

      Pete’s Holiday Scheduled Campaign is shown above. To learn more, CLICK HERE.

      Pete had the following words to say about his success sending marketing out from ProspectsPLUS!,

      “These guys are great, with high-quality materials and quick, dependable delivery. I create my own custom postcards and the customer service team has taken care of those little blips so quickly and professionally. I hardly get to talk to them anymore…because they are pros! Love em!“. – Pete Doty

      Pete, we love your custom postcards! Also, congratulations on the amazing Holiday campaign you’ve had going for the last year – way to GET THINGS DONE!

      Don’t Forget to Enter For Your Chance to Win a $125 ProspectsPLUS! Gift Card! (see how below)*

      What Can You Do With a $125 ProspectsPLUS! Gift Card? Here are 5 Things:
      • Launch and pay for the first month of a Sphere or Farm Scheduled Campaign consisting of 130 jumbo postcards.
      • Send 130 jumbo Just Listed or Just Sold Postcard to a radius surrounding your listing.
      • Send 130 Jumbo Get More Listings postcards to an area where you want more listings.
      • Create a niche prospect list (empty nesters, move-up market, etc.) and send a mailing of 130 jumbo postcards.

      HOW TO ENTER: Just leave a review regarding how using marketing from ProspectsPLUS! has impacted your business, and you’re automatically entered into our next contest.

      Leave a review on Google, HERE.
      Leave a review on Facebook, HERE.

      *If you’ve already entered our contest in the past and haven’t won, you don’t need to enter again. Your entry remains valid and you still have a chance to win.

      Don’t forget to watch out for next Friday’s email announcing the weekly winner!

      Please reach out to our support team at 866.405.3638 with questions or if there is anything we can do to help you in your success.

      We’re here to support you.

      Your ProspectsPLUS! Team

      PLUS: When you have time…below are some helpful tools to support your success.

      1. The Free 12 Month Done-For-You Strategic Marketing Plan

      The Real Estate Marketing Planner is a powerful 12-Month-Guide that strategically defines what marketing to do when. Four key market segments are included, niche Markets, geographic farming, sphere of influence, and past clients. – Click Here

      2. The Free Interactive Real Estate Business Plan

      The Free Interactive Real Estate Business Plan allows you to enter your business goals for this year and get a breakdown of how many prospects, listings, closing, and so on are needed to reach your goals.  – Click Here

      4. The Become a Listing Legend Free eBook 

      This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Become-A-Listing-Legend-3D-Book-White-274x300.jpg

      Ready to take a vertical leap in your real estate career? If you’re looking for inspiration…and the tools and methods to dominate a market and go to the top in real estate…you’ll find them in this free book. – Click Here

      The Take a Listing Today Podcast

      Watch the ProspectsPLUS!, Take a Listing Today Podcast for actionable content to help you get more listings.

        There seems to be this fundamental fallacy among many real estate agents that the more money they spend on their businesses, the less there will be for their personal use.

        That simply isn’t the case, according to Heidi Sloss, author of “Fortune is in the Follow-Up: Five POWER Strategies to Grow Your Business.”

        “Too many business owners under-spend on marketing, thinking that not spending is the same as saving,” claims Sloss. While it’s an annoying adage, it really does “take money to make money.”

        Want proof?

        An older study by ActiveRain determined how much real estate agents made and how much they spent.

        Top producing agents earning more than $100,000 per year spent five to 10 times more money on marketing than lower-earning agents.

        Let’s face it, there are a number of money pits in the average real estate practice, from keeping up with the latest technology to what you drive or what you wear.

        The truly important stuff, however – most of what’s in your business plan – is where to focus if you’re looking for ways to gain more clients and grow your business.

        So, while it’s important to invest money in continuing education, professional development, and ensuring you have the office systems in place to make your job easier, none of it means a thing without clients.

        Overcome your Fear

        Remember the scene in the motion picture “Ghost,” where Whoopi Goldberg’s character is forced to endorse a $4 million check “to a bunch of nuns?”

        She struggles, claiming to “… just want to touch it one more time.” Finally, at the point of almost hyperventilating, with tears streaming down her face, Whoopie’s character, Oda Mae, hands the check to one of the nuns but then refuses to let go of it. A tug-of-war of sorts ensues until she finally releases it and dissolves into sobs.

        Is that not exactly what you do in your mind when it comes time to part with your hard-earned money? Especially in a commission-based business, parting with money is frightening. Who knows when you’ll close another deal?

        It’s only natural then that you might question whether any particular investment is really the right thing to do. Marketing dollars are particularly hard to spend.

        What if the campaign doesn’t work? What if I lose this money? These are perfectly valid questions as you tenaciously hold on to your dollar.

        One of the best ways to overcome the fear of spending is by paying close attention to the annual budget every year when you revisit your business plan. Once the money is budgeted, consider it spent. Then, make careful, informed decisions about where to spend the money when it comes time to do so.

        To help you make better buying decisions, visit review sites. Here you can read opinions – both good and bad – about the products real estate agents use in a typical day. Here’s our Google reviews page. Knowing what works for other agents arms you with the information you need to make sound spending decisions.

        The bottom line is that if you really want to grow your real estate business, you’re going to have to spend some money investing in it – whether it’s on marketing, staff, or technology. So, overcome the fear and lose the death grip on the pocketbook.

        6 Reasons to Go After Baby Boomers Right Now
        • They own 26 million homes in the U.S.
        • They control 70% of all wealth in this country.
        • They hold more than 50% of all owner-occupied homes.
        • 41% state they will definitely purchase another home.
        • They are almost completely ignored by the real estate industry. 
        • And, we’re giving you the first 100 prospects on a Baby Boomer list for free right now!

        That’s Right, Discover Baby Boomers in Your Area and GET THE FIRST 100 FREE!

        To get the first 100 on a Baby Boomers Prospect List FREE USE PROMO CODE: BOOM100.

        CLICK HERE to create your list (From a desktop/laptop computer) with the Demographic Search tool.

        This offer expires on January 29th, at midnight.

        Do You Need Help Creating Your Baby Boomer List? Watch This How to Video Below.

        PLUS: When you have time…below are some helpful tools to support your success.

        1. The Free 12 Month Done-For-You Strategic Marketing Plan

        The Real Estate Marketing Planner is a powerful 12-Month-Guide that strategically defines what marketing to do when. Four key market segments are included, niche Markets, geographic farming, sphere of influence, and past clients. – Click Here

        2. The Free Interactive Real Estate Business Plan

        The Free Interactive Real Estate Business Plan allows you to enter your business goals for this year and get a breakdown of how many prospects, listings, closing, and so on are needed to reach your goals.  – Click Here

          Gretchen Greco most recently launched a FARM, Call to Action Postcard Campaign (shown above). To see this campaign, click HERE.

          Gretchen had the following words to say about her success sending marketing from ProspectsPLUS!,

          “I’ve recently set up my first campaign with ProspectPLUS!. It was easy to do and the questions I had were answered quickly. I received a personal phone call from the owner when I set up an account, that was nice. The cards look great and I’m looking forward to seeing the piece in my mailbox. I think the cost is reasonable. 🤞 for good results“. – Gretchen Greco

          Congratulations, Gretchen, on launching your first campaign, and thank you for the amazing review!

          Don’t Forget to Enter For Your Chance to Win a $125 ProspectsPLUS! Gift Card! (see how below)*

          What Can You Do With a $125 ProspectsPLUS! Gift Card? Here are 5 Things:
          • Launch and pay for the first month of a Sphere or Farm Scheduled Campaign consisting of 130 jumbo postcards.
          • Send 130 jumbo Just Listed or Just Sold Postcard to a radius surrounding your listing.
          • Send 130 Jumbo Get More Listings postcards to an area where you want more listings.
          • Create a niche prospect list (empty nesters, move-up market, etc.) and send a mailing of 130 jumbo postcards.

          HOW TO ENTER: Just leave a review regarding how using marketing from ProspectsPLUS! has impacted your business, and you’re automatically entered into our next contest.

          Leave a review on Google, HERE.
          Leave a review on Facebook, HERE.

          *If you’ve already entered our contest in the past and haven’t won, you don’t need to enter again. Your entry remains valid and you still have a chance to win.

          Don’t forget to watch out for next Friday’s email announcing the weekly winner!

          Please reach out to our support team at 866.405.3638 with questions or if there is anything we can do to help you in your success.

          We’re here to support you.

          Your ProspectsPLUS! Team

            The ProspectsPLUS! “3 Extra Closings a Year Guarantee”, That’s What!

            Not many companies offer guarantees anymore, but when they do it’s clear it’s because they know their product works.

            This is the case with our SOI Scheduled Campaign.

            We believe so much in what our SOI Scheduled Campaign will do for your real estate business we’re guaranteeing it.

            Here’s How it Works:

            Launch a one-year SOI Scheduled Campaign with a minimum of 150 postcards per month and if after one year you haven’t generated 3 extra closings, and have incorporated the Free BusinessBASE, we will refund the money spent on your campaign.

            It’s that simple!

            Plus, with our SOI Scheduled Campaign,

            • There are no contracts
            • You pay-as-you-go
            • And, you can change or cancel the campaign at any time up to midnight the night before a mailing goes out.

            What does it mean to you to get 3 extra closings this year risk-free?

            So, what are you waiting for? CLICK HERE, to get started.

            Below are a Few of the Exciting SOI Campaigns You Can Launch Today!


            Inspire and engage your Sphere with thought-provoking quotes from The Quote Series.

            Schedule any length SOI campaign using the Quote Series. Or schedule a one-year SOI campaign and take advantage of the 3 Extra Closings a Year Guaranteed.

            CLICK HERE to Get Started.


            Educate and inform your Sphere while providing valuable content with the Content Series.

            Schedule any length SOI campaign using the Content Series. Or schedule a one-year SOI campaign and take advantage of the 3 Extra Closings a Year Guaranteed.

            CLICK HERE to Get Started.


            Excite, educate, and inspire action with your Sphere with the Get More Listings Series.

            Schedule any length SOI campaign using the Get More Listings Series. Or schedule a one-year SOI campaign and take advantage of the 3 Extra Closings a Year Guaranteed.

            CLICK HERE to Get Started.


            Share fun recipes, that everyone appreciates, with your Sphere with the Recipe II Series.

            Schedule any length SOI campaign using the Recipe II Series. Or schedule a one-year SOI campaign and take advantage of the 3 Extra Closings a Year Guaranteed.

            These are just a few of the many SOI campaigns available to schedule. To see more CLICK HERE.

            Are you ready to start growing your real estate business risk-free?

            Take advantage of our 3 Extra Closings a Year Guarantee! CLICK HERE to get started.

            Because WHAT GETS SCHEDULED – GETS DONE!

            PLUS: When you have time…below are some helpful tools to support your success.

            1. The Free 12 Month Done-For-You Strategic Marketing Plan

            The Real Estate Marketing Planner is a powerful 12-Month-Guide that strategically defines what marketing to do when. Four key market segments are included, niche Markets, geographic farming, sphere of influence, and past clients. – Click Here

            2. The Free Interactive Real Estate Business Plan

            The Free Interactive Real Estate Business Plan allows you to enter your business goals for this year and get a breakdown of how many prospects, listings, closing, and so on are needed to reach your goals.  – Click Here

              Toni Ann Bernardo most recently launched a FARM, Get More Listings Postcard Campaign (shown above). To see this campaign, click HERE.

              Toni Ann had the following words to say about her success sending marketing from ProspectsPLUS!,

              “I’ve used ProspectsPLUS! for 4 or 5 mailings now, and I also just started a 1-year monthly campaign beginning this week. The product is high quality, the mailers are delivered in just a day or 2, and their Customer Service Team is great when you call with questions!”. – ToniAnn Bernardo

              Congratulations, Toni Ann, on launching your first monthly campaign, and thank you for the wonderful review!

              Don’t Forget to Enter For Your Chance to Win a $125 ProspectsPLUS! Gift Card! (see how below)*

              What Can You Do With a $125 ProspectsPLUS! Gift Card? Here are 5 Things:
              • Launch and pay for the first month of a Sphere or Farm Scheduled Campaign consisting of 130 jumbo postcards.
              • Send 130 jumbo Just Listed or Just Sold Postcard to a radius surrounding your listing.
              • Send 130 Jumbo Get More Listings postcards to an area where you want more listings.
              • Create a niche prospect list (empty nesters, move-up market, etc.) and send a mailing of 130 jumbo postcards.

              HOW TO ENTER: Just leave a review regarding how using marketing from ProspectsPLUS! has impacted your business, and you’re automatically entered into our next contest.

              Leave a review on Google, HERE.
              Leave a review on Facebook, HERE.

              *If you’ve already entered our contest in the past and haven’t won, you don’t need to enter again. Your entry remains valid and you still have a chance to win.

              Don’t forget to watch out for next Friday’s email announcing the weekly winner!

              Please reach out to our support team at 866.405.3638 with questions or if there is anything we can do to help you in your success.

              We’re here to support you.

              Your ProspectsPLUS! Team

                If you find yourself craving a piping hot peppermint mocha, going home and lighting a cozy fire, and wishing you could wear your hoody to a listing presentation, it must be winter.

                Winter this year started on December 21 and lasts until March 20, 2022. Before the winter season ends, there is a lot happening, although local pandemic regulations may restrict some winter events.

                These festivals and other celebrations make welcome blog post topics. Today we take a look at some of what your readers are craving.

                1. Winter blog posts for homebuyers

                “3 must-have tips for buying a [name of town] home this winter”

                Need more ideas?

                • What’s going on in the local market? Is inventory still low? Are prices softening or rising? What are interest rates like? Warn readers that interest rates are expected to rise in 2022, so choosing to buy now is a wise decision. Check out this example Neil Kearney of Boulder Real Estate.
                • Handy with Canva? Head on over there and create an infographic addressing the age-old question of whether to buy now or wait. 
                2. Fishing for sellers?

                “3 must-have tips for selling a [name of town] home this winter”

                Most potential sellers want to know what’s happening with home prices. A market update, such as the one for buyers, mentioned previously, will most likely be quite welcome.

                Few agents do reader-friendly and hyper-local market updates like Kirkland, Washington’s Jim Badgley. Check it out at

                Don’t forget to add local keywords throughout all blog posts.

                3. Winter events in the community

                Winter events and festivals abound in the US. There’s Wintersköl in Aspen, CO, the amazing Winter Carnival in St. Paul, MN, the Winter Festival in Portland, OR, and more.

                Even non-snowy regions have winter events, like the Borrego Springs Film Festival in San Diego, CA, and Gasparilla Music Festival in Tampa Florida.

                Details about these events are ideal for a hyper-local blog post. Plus, they’re immensely sharable.

                Use various smaller holidays as topics. For instance, January 27th is Chocolate Cake Day. Write a listicle naming all the places in town one can get a great piece of cake.

                Other holidays that are easy to hyper-localize include:

                • National Frozen Yogurt Day (February 6, 2022)
                • National Pizza Day (February 9, 2022)
                • Valentine’s Day (February 14, 2022)
                • National Puppy Day (March 23, 2022. Great opportunity to write about the various pet shelters and rescues in your area).
                • St. Patrick ‘s Day (March 17, 2022. Who has the best corned beef and cabbage?)

                Then, there is the old standby “Best places” in your town to (or nearby):  

                • Take out-of-town guests
                • Sled, ski, etc.
                • Celebrate Valentine’s Day
                • Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day
                • Ice skate
                • Indoor and Mall walking tracks in your town

                There is far from a shortage of hyper-local winter real estate blog topics. Write ‘em up and don’t forget to link to them on social media.

                Discover Move-Up Market Prospects in Your Area and GET THE FIRST 100 FREE!

                5 Reasons To Go After the Move-Up Market Right Now!

                • Two sales in one (they’re selling their current home and buying another larger home.
                • They’ve purchased real estate before and understand the process, making for an easier transaction.
                • They know what they want, so less guesswork on your part.
                • They typically have a nice amount of equity in their home, meaning more money to spend on a new home.
                • They’re excited to enter the marketplace and take advantage of the low mortgage rates and buy bigger.

                To get the first 100 on a Move-Up Market Prospect List Free use PROMO CODE: MOVE100

                CLICK HERE to create your list (From a desktop/laptop computer) with the Demographic Search tool.

                This sale expires on January 15th.

                Watch this video: to learn how to create a Move-Up Market prospect list with the Demographic Search tool and launch a campaign.

                Once You Have Your Move-Up Market List, Launch a Campaign
                FARM, Move-Up Market Campaign shown above, learn more

                Schedule a Move-Up Market Postcard Campaign in Just Minutes!

                Scheduled postcard campaigns not only save you time, they’re sent standard class postage saving you money.

                And, remember, YOU DON’T PAY until each month’s mailing goes out (cancel or change up until the night before mailing).

                CLICK HERE (from a desktop or laptop computer) to get started on your campaign.

                To send a one-time postcard mailing to the Move-Up Market postcard series, CLICK HERE

                PLUS: When you have time…below are some helpful tools to support your success.

                1. The Free 12 Month Done-For-You Strategic Marketing Plan

                The Real Estate Marketing Planner is a powerful 12-Month-Guide that strategically defines what marketing to do when. Four key market segments are included, niche Markets, geographic farming, sphere of influence, and past clients. – Click Here

                2. The Free Interactive Real Estate Business Plan

                The Free Interactive Real Estate Business Plan allows you to enter your business goals for this year and get a breakdown of how many prospects, listings, closing, and so on are needed to reach your goals.  – Click Here

                  Goodbye, 2021!

                  I think 2022 is going to be an amazing year, both for real estate agents and for the rest of us.

                  But it won’t be if we don’t plan. And, no, it’s not too late. Consider an old Chinese proverb:

                  “The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second-best time is now.”

                  So, let’s get to it.

                  Go back before moving forward

                  To get a clear starting point, planning for the new year requires looking back at your efforts and outcomes from last year.

                  • What went well?
                  • What activity should you be doing more?
                  • What didn’t go well?
                  • Is there a way to tweak the unsuccessful efforts or should you drop them?

                  Then, take stock of your systems and tools. Are you using all of them? Could your CRM use some love? Perhaps you need to update to newer, better tools or systems.

                  Money, money, money

                  An assessment of your end-of-year finances, and how you got there, will be a huge help in determining what you need to do in the coming year. Look at not only your income and outgo but the number of transactions it took to bring in the money.

                  Then, come up with a transaction count required to meet your 2022 financial goals. The Real Estate Business Plan is an ideal free tool to help you do this.

                  It takes consistent effort to increase performance.

                  Ensure you have the infrastructure, tools, and systems to support you. Then, go out and slay some real estate dragons.

                  Real estate marketing tools to help you write your 2022 success plan

                  1. The Free 12 Month Done-For-You Strategic Marketing Plan

                  The Real Estate Marketing Planner is a powerful 12-Month-Guide that strategically defines what marketing to do when. Four key market segments are included, niche Markets, geographic farming, sphere of influence, and past clients. – Click Here

                  2. The Free Interactive Real Estate Business Plan

                  The Free Interactive Real Estate Business Plan allows you to enter your business goals for this year and get a breakdown of how many prospects, listings, closing, and so on are needed to reach your goals.  – Click Here

                  3. The Free Online ROI Calculator

                  This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is ROI-calculator-b-233x300.jpg

                  Consistency and automation are the keys to success. Discover how effective direct mail marketing can dramatically increase your bottom line. Enter your statistics in our Free online ROI Calculator and click the ‘CALCULATE MY ROI’ button to see your results instantly! –Click Here

                  4. The Become a Listing Legend Free eBook 

                  This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Become-A-Listing-Legend-3D-Book-White-274x300.jpg

                  Ready to take a vertical leap in your real estate career? If you’re looking for inspiration…and the tools and methods to dominate a market and go to the top in real estate…you’ll find them in this free book. – Click Here

                    Congratulations, Agustina Rankin you are the winner of this week’s special $200 ProsepctsPLUS! gift card!

                    Agustina Rankin had the following words to say about her success after sending marketing from ProspectsPLUS!,

                    I love working with ProspectPLUS! It’s so easy. I already set my whole year in less than 30 minutes! What a blessing. ”

                    – Agustina Rankin
                    Thank you, Agustina!

                    Next Week’s Contest is for a $125 ProspectsPLUS! Gift Card!

                    What Can You Do With a $125 ProspectsPLUS! Gift Card? Here are 5 Things:
                    • Launch and pay for the first month of a Sphere or Farm Scheduled Campaign consisting of 130 jumbo postcards.
                    • Send 130 jumbo Just Listed or Just Sold Postcard to a radius surrounding your listing.
                    • Send 130 Jumbo Get More Listings postcards to an area where you want more listings.
                    • Create a niche prospect list (empty nesters, move-up market, etc.) and send a mailing of 130 jumbo postcards.

                    HOW TO ENTER: Just leave a review regarding how using marketing from ProspectsPLUS! has impacted your business, and you’re automatically entered into our next contest.

                    Leave a review on Google, HERE.
                    Leave a review on Facebook, HERE.

                    Don’t forget to watch for the email next Friday announcing the winner!

                    Please reach out to our support team at 866.405.3638 with questions or if there is anything we can do to help you in your success.

                    We’re here to support you.

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                      If you’ve been in the real estate business for at least 5 years, congratulations! It’s a testament to your tenacity.

                      If you’re still struggling to achieve the level of success you desire, you’re not alone. However, now is the time to put the past behind you and start off 2022 committed to making your real estate business dreams a reality.

                      You can do this by executing at least one of the following 2022 New Year’s resolutions listed below.

                      Or adopt them all and truly DOMINATE IN 2022!

                      1. Resolve to let go of old expectations

                      Remember your pre-agent days when you thought that, to make the big bucks, all a real estate agent had to do was buy a fancy car, dress like Serhant, and schmooze with folks?

                      Not only that but there’s no boss in charge of your workday. You can come and go as you like and it won’t matter to anyone. Your pocketbook may take a hit, but you’re free and in control of your life.

                      Here’s a sample of some additional rookie agent assumptions and expectations:

                      • Your broker will supply you with what you need to become wildly successful.
                      • You’ll receive expert training on the day-to-day business aspects of real estate.
                      • You are not accountable for your success.
                      • You can work short days and weeks, take lots of vacations and still make a killing in real estate as a newbie.

                      If you still harbor any of these misconceptions, do yourself a favor and let them go. They aren’t serving you or your business growth.

                      2. Promise yourself to pursue more listings in 2022
                      2022 Real Estate Marketing Planner, HERE

                      Why? Because “when you list, you last.”

                      Sure, buyers are abundant in the current market, and finding a homeowner willing to sell is like trying to find gold in a silver mine.

                      But if you’re going to focus on one area of your business in 2022, and you hope to be wildly successful without putting in so many hours that you become a stranger to family and friends, concentrating on becoming a listing agent is critical.

                      Yeah, it’s a bit like trying to eat an elephant, but start slow and start small, taking one bite at a time.

                      The 2022 Real Estate Business Plan will walk you through just how many more listings you will need in 2022 to meet your goals.

                      3. Resolve to enter the new year with a solid marketing plan

                      Every business needs a roadmap for the upcoming year. Marketing goals and objectives are part of this roadmap. To meet them, you’ll need to know how to get there and the 2022 Real Estate Marketing Planner is the ideal guide to help you.

                      Check Out Two More Free Marketing Tools to Help You achieve Your Goals:


                      Please reach out to our support team at 866.405.3638 with questions or if there is anything we can do to help you with your success.