Monday, May 20, 2024

business success

    And, find out what trait helps guinea pigs make money (under creativity)

    Success in any endeavor is in the eye and mind of the beholder. My idea of personal success may mean something completely different than yours.

    Some folks use money as a benchmark while others don’t feel successful unless they are fulfilled in what they do for a living.

    In real estate, money has a lot to do with success. Without it, you won’t stay in business for long. The keys to making money – financial success — in the industry involves a combination of certain personality and character traits and ingrained habits.

    Let’s take a look at some of the traits that the most ‘Rock Star’ agents exhibit.

    1. Tenacity

     Successful real estate agents don’t let go. They treat every contact from a potential client with a ferocious tenacity, returning calls and emails immediately and following up relentlessly.

    This doesn’t mean they become the fatal attraction of the local real estate industry, it means that the agents make their leads feel attended to and that they are ready and able to assist.

    The same treatment is given to former clients, with consistent follow-up to ensure they remain top-of-mind when the topic of real estate comes up. Sending a Customer Appreciation Thank You postcard is a great way to stay connected and let your clients know you appreciate them.

    Show your clients you appreciate them (available in the postcards section under Customer Appreciation)
    2. Creativity

    “Best practices.” I don’t know about you, but I’ve been seeing that phrase a lot lately. Applied to the real estate industry, the term should make you wary.

    Sure, it sounds quite professional. The problem is, what old-school real estate agents call “best practices” are often nothing more than old, worn-out tactics.

    It means doing the same stuff all the other agents are doing and have done for decades.

    Best practices? Wipe that from your memory chip as the established go-to resource.

    Sure, there are some conventional real estate marketing tactics that still work but to rely on them exclusively in lieu of trying something new is just plain stupid.

    The flip side is that following the herd to every new tactic that comes along is equally silly.

    Once upon a time, there was a real estate agent who decided to do her video blogs from her car on her way to the office in the morning. I’m not absolutely sure who that was, but I have a good idea.

    I often wonder if she resents the fact that thousands of other agents decided to allow her to be the guinea pig with this new technique. And then when they saw it worked, generated revenue, and created new clients, they brazenly stole her idea. It’s to the point now that those agent dashboard video blogs are as trite as some agent taglines and just as ridiculed by the public.

    Help them choose YOU (available in the postcard section under Market Quote postcards)

    Don’t be afraid to be different and to stand out from the rest of the agents in town. Do something new, novel and fun and forget about “best practices.” Don’t rely on any one technique to remain unique for long. Keep on your toes.

     3. Communication

    Successful real estate agents know when to hold em’ and know when to fold ‘em. They walk their clients through every last thing that can possibly be expected to occur in the transaction and then they shut up and listen.

    They gain an understanding of and pay attention to what the client expects out of the relationship. They listen to what the client wants and needs. Then, they act on that, not some supposition of the client’s desires.

    Both sellers and buyers that are dissatisfied with their real estate agents typically claim that their agents didn’t communicate enough. Rich, fulfilled agents keep in contact with their clients at all points during the process, even when there’s nothing new to communicate.

    Clients also expect you to communicate in the manner they prefer. So, text the texters, email the emailers and phone the phoners. And send direct mail when you are after a lasting impact. Even if there is nothing new to talk about, reach out and touch.

    4. Congeniality

    Successful real estate agents are, for the most part, easy to be around. They are network- builders and relationship retainers.

    If the Rolodex were still a staple on every agent’s desk, theirs would be the biggest. Since they understand the value of being pleasant, they have vast networks. They can set a client up with the best trash-out guy in town, the best contractor, plumber, lender, and title company.

    5. Not afraid to spend

    A couple of years ago, real estate social network Active Rain site conducted a survey of 1,758 real estate agents to determine what separates rich real estate agents from poor ones.

    Successful agents understand that they need to spend money to make money.  In fact, according to the study, agents earning more than $100,000 a year spend 10 times more money on marketing than their less successful counterparts.

    They also spend six times more money on technology. Whether spending the money made them a rich agent or it took being rich to be able to spend it, is another question.

    Agents that succeed approach their real estate career as a business. They begin each year with a plan which is updated and tweaked throughout the year.

    Most of all, they are somewhat fearless, willing to take risks and tenaciously devoted to their success.

    Start building good habits today by sending at least 100 Please Allow Me postcards from the Agent Introduction Series to an area where you would like more business.
    Let them know who the neighborhood expert is (available in the postcard section under Agent Introduction)


    Need help targeting the perfect niche of buyers or sellers? Use our mailing list tool to create the ideal list (it’s easy) or call our support team for assistance at 866.405.3638!

    PLUS: When you have time…here are Free killer tools to help your success this year!

    1. Become a Listing Legend Free eBook 

    Ready to take a vertical leap in your real estate career? If you’re looking for inspiration…and the tools and methods to dominate a market and go to the top in real estate…you’ll find them in this free book. – Click Here 



    2. “Get More Listings” Free Online Webinar


    “Get MORE Listings & Begin to Dominate Your Market!” Free online webinar. Learn the 3-7-27 strategy for explosive growth, why 95% of agents have less than 20% market share, and how to become the agent everyone competes against. – Click Here



    3. The 12 Month Done-For-You Strategic Marketing Plan

    The Real Estate Marketing Planner is a powerful 12-Month-Guide that strategically defines what marketing to do when. Four key market segments are included, Niche Marketing, Get More Listings, Geographic Farming, and Sphere of Influence. – Click Here



    4. The Free One-Page Real Estate Business Plan

    Treat your business like a business it is vital to long-term success in this industry. Some agents may put together elaborate business plans, yet there’s something powerful about keeping it simple. Check out our one page Online Real Estate Business Plan.  – Click Here



    5. The Free Online ROI Calculator

    Consistency and automation are the keys to success. Discover how effective direct mail marketing can dramatically increase your bottom line. Enter your statistics in our Free online ROI Calculator and click the ‘CALCULATE MY ROI’ button to see your results instantly! – Click Here

    Take it to the next level

    7 tips to take your real estate business to the next level

    If indications are right, 2018 should be quite the interesting year in real estate.

    If you’ve decided it’s the year you’ll take a giant leap forward in your real estate business, well, I’ve got your back, read on for tips on how to do just that.

    Treat your business as a business

    It is not only a business, but it is one in which you are the CEO. So, act like a CEO.

    Do you have a business plan? If not check out our Free Online Realtor Business Plan.

    “If I asked you to drive from Omaha, Nebraska to San Diego, California what would be the first thing you would do? Probably mapquest and plan out the directions!” suggests Bubba Mills of Corcoran Consulting and Coaching.

    “If I ask you how to do 50 transactions in one year, then shouldn’t you do the same thing?” he continues.

    Those “directions” can be found in a business plan – the roadmap for your real estate business.

    And, if you do have a plan, does it still require the use of outdated strategies? Update your Real Estate Marketing Plan to meet the needs of today’s real estate practice and today’s real estate consumer.

    Next, build a budget, itemizing how much you’ll spend on your car, your dues, desk fees, E&O insurance, your listings and all the other things you spend money on in your business.

    A budget is the only way to ensure you’ll meet your income goals by the end of the year.

    Let the past guide you

    Decide to focus on what has brought you success in the past and do more of it.

    Perhaps choose the one tactic that worked best for you as a new agent and concentrate on that for a time.

    Was it cold calling?

    Sending postcards or newsletters? Door knocking? Whatever it was, resurrect those skills that worked in the past and put them to work helping you jump to the next level.

    Start one new thing this year

    Try your hand at something you haven’t done before such as automating your Just Listed/Just Sold Postcard mailing.

    Free up time from manually handling your Just Listed Just Sold Postcard mailing and automate it instead.

    It’s easy to do, affordable and takes the ongoing stress of getting those cards out in a timely manner off of your shoulders.

    This leaves you more time to focus on other areas of marketing that need your attention.

    How about trying your hand at sending a newsletter?

    Las Vegas agent Debbie Drummond tells the story of how a newsletter helped her snag a client for a luxury high-rise condo after an agent who lived in the building failed miserably.

    The couple ended up calling Debbie after they received her newsletter. “The newsletter has proven to be a money maker,” she tells Tyler Zey at easyagentpro.

    Hire help

    The quickest way to move your real estate business to the next level is to stop doing things that don’t make you money.

    Hire an assistant to do them for you.

    “If I had to touch every single piece in my system myself, I would never be able to produce multiple amounts of volume,” one of Las Vegas’ top producers tells the Las Vegas Review-Journal.

    “You have to be efficient, and you have to leverage the system (by hiring).”

    Think you can’t afford an assistant? Try going the virtual route first. If you choose a virtual assistant who specializes in real estate you’ll do away with the time and effort involved in training him or her.

    Two to consider are Kim Hughes & Company and Real Support. Both companies specialize in supporting real estate agents.

    Pay tribute

    To truly move your business to the next level, you need to admit that it’s time to stop ignoring your past clients.

    To drive this point home, did you know the cost to acquire a new client is five times higher than pursuing someone you’ve already worked with.

    Ready for another powerful statistic? Nearly 40 percent of home sellers found their agent through a referral (according to the NAR).

    If your website isn’t effective, fix it

    Who in your market ranks organically for your preferred keywords?

    If it isn’t you, maybe you have some website issues. Check out the sites of those who do and vow to beat them at the Google game.

    What are they doing that you aren’t? Typically, it’s the agents who post content consistently that get the best organic rankings, but go through the sites, page-by-page and learn from them.

    Take time off

    Taking time off actually increases our productivity by 80 percent, according to researchers at Alertness Solutions.

    They are a company founded by former NASA scientists that provide fatigue management consulting services.

    Research from Harvard University, however, cautions that unless your vacation is planned (at least one month ahead) and you travel far from your work, you won’t get a good ROI on that time away.

    Unplug – completely – while you’re away and your focus will be stronger when you return to work, according to researchers at Boston College Center for Work and Family.

    Rest and recharge your way to the next level in your real estate business.

    Choose a Newsletter or the Market Dominator to send to 200 homes in your Geographic Farm in the month of January! Make sure they know YOU are their neighborhood expert.

    The ProspectsPLUS! Team are your biggest fans! We are here to help you succeed in 2018. Please reach out to us if there is any way we can help you at  866.405.3638.