New Agents: How to Get That First Client

Congrats on passing your exam and finding a broker to hang that license with.
We know what you’re thinking: “Now what?”
We’re willing to wager that the first day in your new office you sat around and stared at a blank computer screen while listening to the conversations around you about client deals and commission checks.
Made you feel like a fish out of water, didn’t it?
The good news is that, like any new thing, you’ll get used to it, learn and hopefully become more successful than you’d ever imagined.
But, it starts with a deal. Just one deal.
And, for that, you’ll need a client. It’s a good thing you’re visiting ProspectsPLUS! because we’re about to walk you through some brilliant ways to connect with that one person who will get you started down what we hope is a long and prosperous career.
A business card is just the beginning
Carry as many business cards as you can and hand them out to everyone. The guy who makes your coffee in the morning, the dry cleaner, your kids’ teachers, and everyone you interact with at the gym.
But handing out business cards is just a baby step. You need to get found and one of the best ways to do that is with a website.
NAR tells us that 51 percent of their 1,334,668 members have had a website for at least five years. It’s a surprisingly low number when you consider how much business you can get from your site.
Even more surprising is that only 9 percent of agents have a blog – one of the best traffic generators if done right.
The typical home buyer searches for homes online before doing anything else, including seeing if they can even qualify for a mortgage.
If you don’t have a website, there is no way you’ll be found. So, while you’re sitting in your cubby at your broker’s office, work on getting a website (with IDX, a blog and a system to capture leads) up and running.
Who do you know?
It’s time to fill up that CRM and announce yourself to the world with a card from our Photo Introduction Series. Any veteran agent worth his or her salt will counsel you to rely on your Sphere of Influence for that first transaction. To determine who is in your sphere of influence, make a list of the following:
- The family who live in the area you want to serve
- Friends
- Neighbors (an especially good source of leads)
- Former colleagues
- Connections on social media
- Casual acquaintances, such as your hairstylist, dentist, doctor and even your pet’s veterinarian (check out the awesome doctor loan products for medical professionals)
This list comprises your network so you’ll need to further refine it to narrow it down to only those people over whom you have some influence. This is your sphere of influence.
“Think about it as the people who would see a movie, read a book, or try a new restaurant because you recommended it,” suggests the pros at Contactually, a CRM provider.
Don’t toss the original list because many in your network will eventually be added to your sphere. Right now, you just want to reach out to people you have been in contact with over the past year.
What to mail, or email
As stated above, introducing yourself with a postcard is a great way to announce your status as a real estate agent.
Later in your career, you’ll want to avoid overt, heavy-handed, and frequent self-promotion, right now, it’s a must.
In fact, you may need to beat people over the head (metaphorically, please) with the fact that you now help people buy and sell homes.
A Free Offer postcard is an ideal medium to use to create interest as the second mailing after your introduction. Send one to each person in your sphere. Then, never mention again that you are a new agent. All future contact with them should offer something of value, with no reminders that you’re fresh out of real estate school.
What would be considered valuable? A Direct Response Report like, “How to Chop 4 Years and $24,000 Off Your Mortgage“, the offer of a Free List of Home Resources, a Comfort Food Recipe, or the Content Series Card, “Cleaning Green” are some ideas.
With a monthly Community Newsletter, you can work in all of these topics and more.
We understand that, right now, it seems as if finding that first client may be an elusive dream. But, take the steps to market yourself effectively and that client will appear.
Send out The Mac and Cheese postcard from the Comfort Food Series to your Sphere of Influence.
Need help targeting a specific niche of buyers or sellers? Use our Demographic Search Tool to create the ideal list (it’s easy). Or call our support team for assistance at 866.405.3638!
PLUS: When you have time…here are some helpful resources we’ve made available to support your success.
1. Become a Neighborhood Brand
Become branded in a specific neighborhood with a 12X15 marketing piece sent automatically each month to an exclusive carrier route. Watch this video to learn more or Click Here.
2. The Free Real Estate Mailing List Guide

The Real Estate Mailing List Guide outlines the top tools for generating targeted prospecting lists including Baby Boomers, Empty Nesters, Investors, Lifestyle Interests, High-Income Renters, Move-Up Markets, and more. The Guide also defines done-for-you marketing campaigns to match these markets. –Click Here
3. The Free 12 Month Done-For-You Strategic Marketing Plan

The Real Estate Marketing Planner is a powerful 12-Month-Guide that strategically defines what marketing to do when. Four key market segments are included, Niche Marketing, Get More Listings, Geographic Farming, and Sphere of Influence. –Click Here
4. The Free One-Page Real Estate Business Plan

Treat your business like a business it is vital to long-term success in this industry. Some agents may put together elaborate business plans, yet there’s something powerful about keeping it simple. Check out our one page Online Real Estate Business Plan. – Click Here
5. Become a Listing Legend Free eBook

Ready to take a vertical leap in your real estate career? If you’re looking for inspiration…and the tools and methods to dominate a market and go to the top in real estate…you’ll find them in this free book. – Click Here
6. The Free Online ROI Calculator

Consistency and automation are the keys to success. Discover how effective direct mail marketing can dramatically increase your bottom line. Enter your statistics in our Free online ROI Calculator and click the ‘CALCULATE MY ROI’ button to see your results instantly! –Click Here
7. The Free Real Estate Marketing Guide “CRUSH IT”

The “Crush It” Guide includes easy steps to launching an effective direct mail marketing campaign, how to create a targeted prospect list, the perfect way to layout marketing materials for success, seven opportunities available to target in your area right now. –Click Here