Thank you to all of our Contestants in our April Contest!
The time and effort you have taken to give us feedback on your experience with a ProspectsPLUS! product or service is incredibly meaningful to us!
Remember, if your name wasn’t announced in this month’s contest, a new contest starts soon with new opportunities to win!
Ring Video Doorbell First Prize Winner – Tracy Fraim
Tracy had exciting feedback about his experiences with ProspectsPLUS! as a new agent.
“Great product, great service, huge selection. A real attention grabber for sure. Just started out and already got two listings.”
That’s right Tracy has been sending out the Market Dominator for just four months (including April) and has already received two listings from this marketing piece.
There’s a reason we call this product the “Market Dominator”. Anyone who is serious about becoming a neighborhood brand and dominating a specific market should check this product out.
It’s a slam dunk.
Tracy Fraim’s Latest Marketing Purchases – Market Dominator & Free Report,”5 Reasons Why Your House May Not Sell”
$100 Second Prize Winner – Myrna Eisenlauer
Mryna shared her experience using ProspectsPLUS! over the years with the following feedback.
“We have been using Prospects Plus for years. We mail Just Sold Postcards to the perimeter of our listings. It really helps with name recognition and shows our success in getting homes sold.”
Just Listed and Just Sold Postcards are some of our most popular marketing pieces. We offer them in ten different designs and 18 logo color choices. Check them out Here.
A service that works perfectly with our Just Listed/Just Sold Postcards for busy agents interested in working smarter not harder is our MLS Mailings service. This automated service integrates with your local MLS and makes sending out your Just Listed and Just Sold postcards something you can do in your sleep.
Using MLS Mailings takes one major ongoing task off of a busy agent’s “To Do” list. To learn more, Click Here.
Mryna & Her Team’s Latest Marketing Purchases – Just Sold Postcards
Take advice from Mryna and her successful neighborhood branding strategy and send Just Listed/Just Sold Postcards to the area around your listing. Start the process of declaring yourself the neighborhood expert now!
Need help targeting the perfect niche of sellers? Use our mailing list tool to create the ideal list or call our support team for assistance at 866.405.3638!