Friday, October 18, 2024

market maker - search results

If you're not happy with the results, please do another search

    I read something interesting today, an informal survey of agents was conducted by a leading real estate website and they found that, of those who continued trying to generate leads at the height of the COVID-19 crisis, many had success with the following methods:

    • Nearly half of the 51% of agents making calls to their sphere achieved new business.
    • A quarter of the agents surveyed used social media to keep in touch with the folks in their database and 35% of them stated they generated new business.

    While these two methods weren’t as successful as direct mail marketing, the numbers are impressive. What it really shows is that those agents who chose to remain active, even while sheltering in place, were rewarded.

    Home Values postcard from Post-Pandemic Series

    It’s also safe to say that those who decided to use the lockdown as a time to binge movies and food will start at ground zero when their market’s restrictions are lifted.

    If you’re among the latter, and you’re struggling, let’s look at a tip to get you off and running as quickly as possible.

    Get back to basics

    Rightmove, an online real estate portal based in the UK, saw its “busiest day on record,” with 6 million visitors, just two weeks after England eased restrictions on the real estate industry.

    These buyers weren’t looky-loos, either, but actually contacting real estate agents at a rate nearly 20 percent higher than this time last year, according to Liz Lucking at

    Here in the U.S. the story is much the same. The new-home industry, for instance, is quite healthy, according to a survey conducted by John Burns Real Estate Consulting. According to the builders surveyed, new home sales in May were up 21% from this time last year.

    Existing homes are feeling the homebuyer love as well. According to, weekly home showings (as of June 4) are right back where they were at this time last year.

    Mortgage Rates postcard from Post-Pandemic Series

    So, how does the agent who stopped marketing and who stopped engaging on social media during the height of the pandemic’s spread, quickly get on track to reel in some of this business?

    Get back to basics.

    I’m not referring to the “marathon” lead gen techniques that require a long-term strategy. This is about the sprint – some quick, basic strategies to get the leads you need right now.

    Those leads are right there, in your CRM

    If you didn’t clean up your CRM during lockdown, you’ll need to work around the duplicates and the missing information.

    Starting with a phone call to check in is a brilliant idea, even if you only call those in your sphere. Tell them you’re reaching out to see how they’re faring and if there’s anything you can do for them.

    Then, figure out how you’ll stay in touch, with every single person in your database, consistently, over the weeks and months to come.

    While reaching out on social media is always a good idea (even if it’s just a response to something they post), vary your “touches.” Email newsletters, direct mail newsletters or other direct mail marketing pieces will help you get back to the top of their minds.

    Consistency will help you stay there.

    Tip: When you do speak directly with someone, get the information you need to fill in the blanks in your CRM.

    We’re wishing you a prosperous summer real estate selling season!

    Buying and Selling postcard from Post-Pandemic Series
    Send the Buying and Selling postcard from the Post-Pandemic Series to your Sphere and Farm or an area where you want more listings.

    Need help targeting a specific niche of buyers or sellers? Use our prospect list tools to create the ideal list (it’s easy) or call our support team for assistance at 866.405.3638!

    PLUS: When you have time…here are some Free resources we’ve made available to support your success.

    1. The Free Real Estate Mailing List Guide

    This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Real-Estate-Mailing-List-Guide2-3-D-999x1024.jpg

    The Real Estate Mailing List Guide outlines the top tools for generating targeted prospecting lists including Baby Boomers, Empty Nesters, Investors, Lifestyle Interests, High-Income Renters, Move-Up Markets, and more. The Guide also defines done-for-you marketing campaigns to match these markets. –Click Here

    2. The 12 Month Done-For-You Strategic Marketing Plan

    This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is 2020-Planner-3D-999x1024.jpg

    The Real Estate Marketing Planner is a powerful 12-Month-Guide that strategically defines what marketing to do when. Four key market segments are included, Niche Marketing, Get More Listings, Geographic Farming, and Sphere of Influence. –Click Here

    3. The Free One-Page Real Estate Business Plan

    This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Business-Plan-3D-Book-New1-270x300.png

    Treat your business like a business it is vital to long-term success in this industry. Some agents may put together elaborate business plans, yet there’s something powerful about keeping it simple. Check out our one page Online Real Estate Business Plan.  – Click Here

    4. Become a Listing Legend Free eBook 

    This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Become-A-Listing-Legend-3D-Book-White-274x300.jpg

    Ready to take a vertical leap in your real estate career? If you’re looking for inspiration…and the tools and methods to dominate a market and go to the top in real estate…you’ll find them in this free book. – Click Here

    5. The Free Online ROI Calculator

    This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is ROI-calculator-b-233x300.jpg

    Consistency and automation are the keys to success. Discover how effective direct mail marketing can dramatically increase your bottom line. Enter your statistics in our Free online ROI Calculator and click the ‘CALCULATE MY ROI’ button to see your results instantly! –Click Here

      In the words of the ultimate real estate marketer, Dean Jackson, “If you have one listing, you actually have an opportunity for at least five transactions.” Dean Jackson is the founder of GoGoAgent and Listing Agent LifestyleThe following is his breakdown of how to turn one listing into 5 or more transactions using his listing multiplier method.

      What money are you leaving on the table?

      To understand your current ability to multiply your listings you need a measurement tool that defines where you stand and what you are leaving on the table. Enter the Listing Multiplier Index, a tool created just for this purpose.

      Before you figure out where you stand, let’s review the 5 transactions available to you that all stem from that one, initial listing.

      Listing Opportunity One: Your first opportunity is selling your initial listing, which  most agents focus their attention, right? You do your job, launch a property, a buyer came along and purchased it and now you celebrate smiling in content at your commission.

      Listing Opportunity Two: Hold on, don’t walk away so happy. You missed the opportunity to find the buyer. The person who bought the house you listed. It’s a great way to make twice as much money – find the buyer to buy the house you list.

      Listing Opportunity Three: So you are now on the hunt for the perfect buyer for your listing, guess what, you have just opened up another opportunity. That buyer, if not interested in your listing, may buy another house through you, cha-ching, that’s the sound of opportunity number three.

      Listing Opportunity Four: From marketing in the neighborhood of your listing, you create an opportunity to get another listing in this same neighborhood. Time to make sure everyone knows who that neighborhood’s expert agent is.

      Listing Opportunity Five: The most important opportunity to orchestrate at the time you are setting up your listing is your referral from the seller. Start to plant this seed early on with your seller, so it is a natural occurrence for them to provide you with referrals by the end of their experience.

      Related: The Secret to Converting Leads

      Let’s check your current listing score

      To determine your score, use your last 10 listings. You get one point for selling your listing, one for finding the buyer, one for finding additional buyers to work with, one for getting another listing in the neighborhood, and one for your referral. You have the ability to achieve 5 points for each listing, that’s 50 points total.

      How many points out of 50 did you have? The score I find most agents fall into is between 8 and 15. Maybe you ended up with 10 points total, meaning all of your listings sold, but nothing more.

      You achieved those 10 listings because your current “system” is set up to get a property on the MLS, stage it, price it right, promote it to other agents and get the property sold quickly.

      In the past, you may have celebrated your average 7 to 10 days on market or your 98% of the asking price or 99% or 102% or whatever it is. But the reality is you likely lost a lot of money as well.

      What money have you left behind?

      Let’s take another look at your initial listing and say that each side of those transactions is worth $10,000. If you’re in an area of $300,000 homes or $350,000 homes, you’re looking at a $10,000 commission times 10 listings, which means you would have made $100,000. But what you missed out on was the $400,000 that you could have had if you had created a systematic way of multiplying your listings.

      Just focusing on this fact can make a difference for you going forward. Even simple awareness can change things. Knowing that you’ve lost $400,000 on the last 10 listings that you had is an interesting place to start over from.

      How many transactions are YOU missing out on?

      Take the score you ended up with above, we’ll use 15 as an example, and divide it by 10 to get an index. 15 divided by 10 gives you an index of 1.5. This means every listing that you take is worth 1.5 transactions. You currently are missing out on three or more possible transactions from that listing.

      Now you can see why being focused on this ” listing multiplier” approach is the answer. Rather than focusing on, “I don’t need to do Just Listed/Just Sold cards, infoboxes, or open houses because all of my listings sell so quickly”.

      Focus on what NOT doing these things is costing you. Specifically, if your goal is to maximize the dollars you get out of every listing you touch.

      The future success of your business

      By applying this method, I’ve seen agents go from a 1.0 on the Listing Multiplier Index to a 3.5, with some simple changes and attention to detail. They went from making $10,000 in commission to  $35,000 from one initial listing! That’s working smarter at its finest.

      Imagine what it will be like to turn every listing that you take into multiple transactions. Imagine what kind of effect that will have if every time you take a listing, instead of getting one transaction, you get three or more.

      What kind of impact will that have on your business going forward?

      To learn more about the incredible tools and resources Dean has available for agents go to and

      You might also like:

      Become a Market-Maker

      More Referrals the Easy Way

      Need help targeting the perfect niche of buyers or sellers? Use our mailing list tool to create the ideal list (it’s easy) or call our support team for assistance at 866.405.3638!

      PLUS: When you have time…here are Free killer tools to help your success this year!

      1. Become a Listing Legend Free eBook 

      Ready to take a vertical leap in your real estate career? If you’re looking for inspiration…and the tools and methods to dominate a market and go to the top in real estate…you’ll find them in this free book. – Click Here



      2. “Get More Listings” Free Online Webinar


      “Get MORE Listings & Begin to Dominate Your Market!” Free online webinar. Learn the 3-7-27 strategy for explosive growth, why 95% of agents have less than 20% market share, and how to become the agent everyone competes against. – Click Here



      3. The 12 Month Done-For-You Strategic Marketing Plan

      The Real Estate Marketing Planner is a powerful 12-Month-Guide that strategically defines what marketing to do when. Four key market segments are included, Niche Marketing, Get More Listings, Geographic Farming, and Sphere of Influence. –Click Here



      4. The Free One-Page Real Estate Business Plan

      Treat your business like a business it is vital to long-term success in this industry. Some agents may put together elaborate business plans, yet there’s something powerful about keeping it simple. Check out our one page Online Real Estate Business Plan.  – Click Here



      5. The Free Online ROI Calculator

      Consistency and automation are the keys to success. Discover how effective direct mail marketing can dramatically increase your bottom line. Enter your statistics in our Free online ROI Calculator and click the ‘CALCULATE MY ROI’ button to see your results instantly! –Click Here

      Presentations that close

      You can blink your eye three times in the time it takes a person to judge your trustworthiness and competence just by looking at your face, according to research conducted by Princeton University.

      Yet, the real estate industry is confounded that most real estate consumers go with the first agent they meet and that so many homeowners spend only one day choosing a listing agent.

      As with all things real estate, time is of the essence during the listing appointment, so let’s take a look at how you can ensure the homeowner’s first impression is a winning one.

      It starts with fact gathering

      Whether it’s a cold call or a response to a Free Offer postcard, how you handle that first contact with a potential seller will pave the way to a successful listing presentation. In fact, this is the time to gather as much information as possible about the home and the owner.

      The National Association of Realtors offers a list of questions to have ready for your next listing appointment:

      • Why are you selling your home?
      • How soon do you need to sell?
      • Do you have a ballpark price in mind?
      • Tell me about your home – how long you’ve lived there, what you like best about it and whether you’ve performed any renovations or major repairs.
      • In your opinion, what makes your home different from others in the neighborhood?

      When you set the appointment, let the homeowner know that all decision-makers should be present.

      Before compiling the CMA, take a tour of every home currently for sale in the seller’s neighborhood and a drive-by of sold comps.

      As most listing agents know, potential home sellers are keenly aware of current listings in the area and will many times bring them up during a listing appointment. Rather than being embarrassed that the homeowner knows the local market better than you do, be the agent who is completely up-to-date on the local market.

      Now you have the information necessary to put together the CMA. For the rookies out there, here is a list of quick tips to help you out with that:

      • Generics won’t make you stand out. Every home and every seller is different. Customize your presentation to a specific home and neighborhood.
      • Even if you use a digital presentation, ensure that everything in your hard copy is professionally printed. Your competition won’t bother using the color printer, which is why you must. From your branding to the graphics and photos, color grabs attention and gives the impression that marketing is your forte.
      Powerful first impressions

      Remember how quickly we form first impressions? One of the best ways to ruin your chances is by being late for the listing appointment. No excuse on earth will work just show up on time. Before you leave your car, turn off your phone, take a deep breath and relax. Remind yourself to smile and make eye contact as the homeowner opens the door.

      Steer the participants to a place where it will be easier to maintain eye contact with everyone who is present. A round dining table is ideal. Then, break the ice with a statement such as, “Driving over here, I was thinking about how excited I am about this meeting,” this lets them know that you’re confident and have exciting things to share.

      Another suggested ice-breaker is to ask a question. Engaging the homeowners immediately will help you make a quick connection. While every listing agent is different in how they conduct a listing presentation, most that we’ve spoken with share the following:

      Homeowners want to know that you’re truly listening to them. Making eye contact conveys that and taking notes as they speak shows you are serious about remembering what they’re saying.

      Assume the close

      While some agents we’ve spoken with wait until the end of the presentation to assume the close, others do so throughout the presentation.

      Here’s a brilliant example we read about at ActiveRain. Draw up two lists of services – one the basics, and one with the extra services you offer your listing clients.

      Then, when explaining your services during the presentation, start with the basics – the stuff that is standard in your area. Then, whip out the second list and, as you tick them off, stop occasionally to ask if this is a service they want you to provide.

      For instance, “Will you want aerial photography as well as the 3-D home tour?” Or “Do you want me to hold open houses?”

      Although we don’t expect these tips to be everything required to beat the listing presentation willies, they offer ideas on how to prepare. And, knowing you’re prepared is calming. And, when you’re calm, you’re confident and unbeatable!

      Send out at least 100 Free Market Statistics postcards from the Call to Action Series to an area where you would like more listings and get that killer presentation ready.

      Need help targeting the perfect niche of buyers or sellers? Use our mailing list tool to create the ideal list (it’s easy) or call our support team for assistance at 866.405.3638!

      PLUS: When you have time…here are 4 free ways we can help you have an INVINCIBLE 2019!

      1. Become a Listing Legend Free eBook 

      Ready to take a vertical leap in your real estate career? If you’re looking for inspiration…and the tools and methods to dominate a market and go to the top in real estate…you’ll find them in this free book. – Click Here 


      2. The Free One-Page Real Estate Business Plan

      Treat your business like a business it is vital to long-term success in this industry. Some agents may put together elaborate business plans, yet there’s something powerful about keeping it simple. Check out our one page Online Real Estate Business Plan  – Click Here


      3. The 12 Month Done-For-You Strategic Marketing Plan

      The Real Estate Marketing Planner is a powerful 12-Month-Guide that strategically defines what marketing to do when. Four key market segments are included, Niche Marketing, Listing Inventory, Geographic Farming, and Sphere of Influence – Click Here


      4. The Free Online ROI Calculator

       Consistency and automation are the keys to success. Discover how effective direct mail marketing can dramatically increase your bottom line. Enter your statistics in our Free online ROI Calculator and click the ‘CALCULATE MY ROI’ button to see your results instantly! – Click Here

      Also…check out these game-changing tools!

       Three Click Postcards – Just snap a home photo & create a postcard all from your mobile phone – Automated Just Listed, Just Sold Postcards

      Market Dominator System – Become a neighborhood brand & achieve 20% market share

      Want to Refer a friend or colleague? Refer them, Here. THEY get a Free $25 Gift Card and YOU become their hero. BTW, you also get a $25 Gift Card too (now that’s what I’m talking about)!

      Our business flourishes from recommendations just like yours and we truly appreciate your review of our products and services – Review us here 

      Are you ready to take a giant leap forward in your real estate business in 2019? Then read on for 7 ways to up your game.

      1. Plan a path to your destination

      It is not only a business, but it is one in which you are the CEO. Therefore, if you haven’t completed a business plan for 2019 yet, take advantage of our Free One-Page Business Plan to complete one.

      If you’re not thrilled about the idea of structuring a business plan, then think of it like planning a cross-country trip. For the best chance of success, you would sit down and plan a path to your destination.

      The same is true for your business, if you would like to make $200,000 this year, you need to plan a path to this destination by creating a business plan. And, with the help of our One-Page Business Plan, you can even drill down to how many transactions, appointments, and contacts you will need to get to this destination.

      Furthermore, once your business plan is completed, build a budget itemizing how much you’ll spend on your marketing, your car, your dues, desk fees, E&O insurance and all the other things you spend money on in your business.

      A budget is the only way to ensure you’ll meet your income goals by the end of the year.

      2. Learn from the past

      Take time to reflect on what brought you success last year and plan to make that a part of your 2019 marketing.

      Perhaps go old school and consider what tactics worked best for you as a new agent and add a few of them back into your rotation this coming year. Was it cold calling, attending more local events or monthly door knocking that made the biggest impact on your bottom line? Whatever it was, resurrect those activities that worked in the past and put them to work in the coming year.

      3. Try something new

      Try your hand at something you haven’t done before such as automating your Just Listed/Just Sold Postcard mailing. It’s easy to do, affordable and takes the ongoing stress of getting those cards out in a timely manner off of your shoulders.

      By freeing up time from manually handling your Just Listed Just Sold Postcard mailing, you allow time for other areas of marketing that need more attention.

      How about trying your hand at sending a newsletter? Las Vegas agent Debbie Drummond tells the story of how a newsletter helped her snag a client for a luxury high-rise condo after an agent who lived in the building failed to have success.

      The couple ended up calling Debbie after they received her newsletter. “Sending a monthly newsletter has proven to be a money maker for me”.

      4. Hire help

      The quickest way to scale out your real estate business and take it to the next level is to stop doing things that don’t make you money. Hire an assistant to do them for you.

      “If I had to touch every single task in my systems myself, I would never be able to produce high levels of volume,” one of Las Vegas’ top producers told the Las Vegas Review-Journal.

      “You have to be efficient, and you have to leverage your systems (by hiring help).”

      Think you can’t afford an assistant? Try going the virtual route first. If you choose a virtual assistant who specializes in real estate you’ll do away with the time and effort involved in training them.

      Two companies to consider are Kim Hughes and Real Support. Both companies specialize in supporting real estate agents.

      5. Pay tribute

      To truly move your business to the next level it’s time to focus, ongoing attention, on your past clients. To drive this point home, remember the cost to acquire a new client is five times higher than to cultivate repeat business from a past client.

      In addition, nearly 41 percent of home sellers find their agent through referrals (according to the NAR).

      6. If your website isn’t effective, fix it

      Who in your market ranks organically for your preferred keywords? If it isn’t you, maybe you have some website issues. Check out the sites of those who do and follow their example.

      What are they doing that you aren’t? Typically, it’s the agents who post content consistently that get the best organic rankings, but go through their site, page-by-page and learn from them.

      7. Take time off

      Taking time off actually increases our productivity by 80 percent, according to researchers at Alertness Solutions. They are a company founded by former NASA scientists that provide fatigue management consulting services.

      In addition, research from Harvard University, however, cautions that unless your vacation is planned in advance and you travel away from your work, you won’t get a good ROI on that time away.

      Therefore, unplug – completely – while you’re away and your focus will be stronger when you return to work, according to researchers at Boston College Center for Work and Family.

      Rest and recharge your way to the next level in your real estate business.

      Start the New Year right by sending at least 100 Community Newsletters to an area where you want more business.

      Need help targeting the perfect niche of buyers or sellers? Use our mailing list tool to create the ideal list (it’s easy) or call our support team for assistance at 866.405.3638!

      PLUS: When you have time…here are 3 free ways we can help you STILL CRUSH IT this year!

      1. Become a Listing Legend Free eBook.

      Ready to take a vertical leap in your real estate career? If you’re looking for inspiration…and the tools and methods to dominate a market and go to the top in real estate…you’ll find them in this free book. – Click Here 

      2. The Free 2019 Real Estate Business Plan.

      Treat your business like a business it is vital to long-term success in this industry. Some agents may put together elaborate business plans, yet there’s something powerful about keeping it simple. Check out our one page Online Real Estate Business Plan  – Click Here

      3. The 12 Month Done-For-You Strategic Marketing Plan.

      The Real Estate Marketing Planner is a powerful 12-Month-Guide that strategically defines what marketing to do when. Four key market segments are included, Niche Marketing, Listing Inventory, Geographic Farming, and Sphere of Influence – Click Here

      4. The Free Online ROI Calculator. 

      Consistency and automation are the keys to success. Discover how effective direct mail marketing can dramatically increase your bottom line. Enter your statistics in our Free online ROI Calculator and click the ‘CALCULATE MY ROI’ button to see your results instantly! – Click Here

      Also…check out these cool tools 

       Three Click Postcards – Just snap a home photo & create a postcard all from your mobile phone – Automated Just Listed, Just Sold Postcards

      Market Dominator System – Become a neighborhood brand

      The Power of a Recommendation. Our business flourishes from recommendations in the same way yours does. We would be very grateful for your recommendation of our products and services – Recommend us here

      Want to Refer a friend or colleague? Refer them, Here. THEY get a Free $25 Gift Card and YOU become their hero. BTW, you also get a $25 Gift Card too (now that’s what I’m talking about)!