Geographic Farming: More Relevant Than Ever

Six Answers You Need to Know
By Julie Escobar
With markets and competition heating up this summer, geographic farming is more relevant, and results-producing than ever. It’s what is differentiating top agents from lower producers, and what is setting some apart as leaders in both their marketplace – and in market share.
To learn more, we asked Todd Robertson about what he is seeing trend across North America right now. Here’s an excerpt from our interview:
Q: Todd – there was a time when agents got away from geographic farming but now it’s back stronger than ever – can you shed some light on that?
A: Here’s what we’ve found: With all the ‘noise’ out there now, social media, Zillow, Trulia, email, spam filters, online ads – a lot of home buyers and sellers aren’t responding to the noise. Yet, a LOT of agents are still hiding behind their computers. We know that 95% of people check their mail every day – and direct mail is standing out from the ‘online’ noise. It used to be that farming was expensive. Mailings were expensive. Now with technology and new USPS tools, it’s much less so, and with most agents still not in that space – those who do jump in – WIN.
Q: We’ve all seen agents who get frustrated because they want instant results – and farming just isn’t that kind of marketing. What do you say to agents who want instant gratification?
A: The truth is we are in an instant gratification mode. We’re looking to the lottery for a quick million, fast food for an instant meal, and whatever ‘golden ticket’ it might take to unlock the key to right-now success. But what I like to share with agents is the hunter vs. farmer mindsets. The hunter is great at getting on the phone, shaking the trees, finding those expireds, FSBOs, SOI leads, anything that will generate business today or this week. Where the farmer isn’t crazy about all that possible rejection, so they slowly and surely cultivate an area with direct mail and email marketing. After 25 years in this business we do know two things though: Patience and persistence will always win and combining the two skills of hunting and farming are your best means of generating long term success at a whole other level. You do have to be “all-in” – but it is so worth it.
Q: In your talks and webinars you speak about putting ALL the pieces in place – can you share more about what you mean by that?
A: Well this kind of goes back to my last answer. You really CAN dominate a market area and out-pace any competition if you are willing to streamline your practices – and do it all. Not one thing. Not the easy things. But all of it. Direct mail. Just Listed. Just Sold. Door knocking. Aggressive open houses. All of it – and not just once but really adhere to that 3-7-27 rule of marketing I’ve shared in the past where you’re continuously making impressions and staying top of mind because the competition, for the most part, is not going to be as committed to doing it all. If you are? You win.
Q: Follow up is a critical part of marketing, but so many agents are reluctant to walk their farm or pick up the phone. What’s your best advice to get over that hurdle?
A: Well, the tough advice is that if your mindset is ‘I’m afraid or unwilling to prospect’ then perhaps this is not the profession for you. If we look at the old 80/20 rule which says that 20% of the agents do 80% of the business, we know that those numbers are now outdated. In today’s world it’s 93/7. 7% of the agents are doing 93% of the business. The reason lies right here – prospecting. Following up. I like to tell my audiences, “If the game is scheduled, and you’ve chosen to play – you might as well win.” So if you are in this business to help people – then remember, you are paid in direct proportion to how many people you help, and how good you are at that help. So don’t just put your toe in the pool – jump in. Don’t be that agent who tried something once, or twice, or three times and throws up their hands and says, ‘this doesn’t work’. Stick with it. The year is half over. Don’t fall into that – it is what it is mindset where it is all right to be average, or less than your goals. You get paid in proportion to how many you help. Get out there and play hard. If you get a no, pick up the phone again, and again. It’s a numbers game, but more than that, it’s a people game. Find the next person to help.
Q: This is a busy time for agents – and many are so busy working IN the business, they don’t stop to work ON their business. What can you share with our readers regarding blocking time so that nothing falls through the cracks?
A: It’s easy to get caught up in the minutiae, I know. The feel-good work. The paper shuffling. The non-confrontational. Top agents though know that the highest and best use of their time is doing three things: prospecting, presenting, and closing. The rest they find solutions for. Automated marketing. Virtual Assistants. Database management systems. Marketing systems. They are effective time managers – that’s the level you need to strive for.
Q: The Market Dominator is hard to ignore when homeowners get it in their mailbox – can you tell us a little about the science of its size, content, and calls to action?
A: Well it’s the largest piece allowed legally through the USPS system. It’s got 100% impression rate. It’s coated on one side, full color and on great paper. Most importantly, it’s filled with the kind of content people want to read. Not salesy – hyped commercial stuff. But real world content. And real world calls to action. It’s relevant and fun and ‘share-able’ for people. And it gets the job done. I just heard from one of our customers who has done 16 transactions this year so far, three directly as a result of the Dominator. Take a look and let me know if you have questions. It’s a powerful tool for agents who are really interested in dominating their own geographic farm.
Thanks so much for your time Todd. For those interested in learning more about the Market Dominator, you can watch Todd’s informative video here. For questions, give Todd a call at 866-405-3638. Now, go out there and dominate in YOUR favorite geographic farm!