Saturday, February 8, 2025

merchandise review

That period from winter into mid-spring is typically akin to a drought followed by a raging storm for real estate professionals.

It’s just as the drought is ending, however, that our fingers ache from clinging to our wits and our wallets.

Yes, it will end. Business will pick up, if it hasn’t by the time you read this.

We have some suggestions to consider if you’re still dealing with a snail’s pace real estate market.

1. Take action

Regardless of how few clients you have right now, there are actions you can take to advance your business that don’t involve showing homes or chasing listings.

In fact, taking just one action each day can get you out of the doldrums and into motivation.

A good first action to take is getting away from your desk. A change of scenery is an excellent way to get your brain moving in another direction.

Take a walk (in a different location every day). Take a few hours off just to think. Or, work from your favorite coffee shop that offers Wi-Fi.

Make lunch or coffee dates with former clients or vow to meet colleagues after work for cocktails.

If you must remain tied to your desk, get back to the basics that have kept you in business. Think back: which activities have delivered the most successes?

If you once did well with door-knocking but ditched it for the next shiny object, pick it up again, dust off your skills and start knocking for dollars.

2. Get help from the great motivators

Some of the world’s greatest motivational speakers are just a book, DVD or CD away.

If you prefer reading, check out some of our favorites:

  • “Shift: How Real Estate Agents Tackle Tough Times” Gary Keller
  • “The 10X Rule: The Only Difference Between Success and Failure” Grant Cardone
  • “Better than Good: Creating a Life you can’t wait to Live,” Zig Ziglar

Turn off the radio in the car and pop in a CD or listen on Audible. Here’s a few we think you might like:

Ditch the TV for one night a week and watch a motivational video instead:

 3. About that stuff you’ve let fall through the cracks

 As a small business owner, you know that even when you’re not working directly with clients or on ways to do so, there is still work to be done. When you’re busy, those are the things that typically fall through the cracks.

Website – how are those neighborhood pages coming? Is it time to localize your home page and feature a testimonial or two? Also, don’t forget to add a Free Report offer on your website in exchange for an email address.

Testimonials — Do you have a system to generate them? Agents use various methods, from hiring a company who specializes in collecting your testimonials to putting together a questionnaire that you offer your clients at closing.

While the latter is a good way to collect testimonials for your website and other marketing materials, aim to convince them to leave you one at the online review sites.

Then, consider reaching out to past clients who didn’t leave a review. This contact also serves to put you back on the front burner of their memories.

Buyers’ consultation – Does yours need some work? Update any area that needs it. Anything you can do to add value to your consultations helps boost your customer service.

The key to pricing your listings right (available under our Objection Handling Flyers tab)

Listing presentation – If your listing presentation is hit-or-miss, consider taking some time to fine-tune it. Don’t know where to start? You’ll find a goldmine of ideas online, from coach websites to YouTube videos to social media groups where other agents hang out.

Don’t forget the magic of using a Merchandise Review at your listing appointment to help get your listings priced right the first time. Download the Merchandise Review now and keep copies on hand to use as part of your listing presentation.

Get involved – In case you haven’t heard, the generations aging into the real estate market say they check a business’ level of social responsibility before deciding to work with them. What are you doing to better the community at large?

Start small if you need to. Find a cause you can put your heart into and volunteer your time. Plan on promoting your cause on your website, social media and anywhere else you can.

The market is changing from what we’ve grown accustomed to over the past few years. Who knows what the spring and summer market will bring? At least now you won’t be at wits’ end should you experience a lull in business.

Free offers drive interest (available in the postcard section under Free Offer Series)
Start stirring up activity by sending at least 100  Free List of Homes postcards from the Free Offer Series to an area where you want more listings.

Need help targeting the perfect niche of buyers or sellers? Use our mailing list tool to create the ideal list (it’s easy) or call our support team for assistance at 866.405.3638!

PLUS: When you have time…here are Free ways we can help you have an INVINCIBLE 2019!

1. Become a Listing Legend Free eBook 

Ready to take a vertical leap in your real estate career? If you’re looking for inspiration…and the tools and methods to dominate a market and go to the top in real estate…you’ll find them in this free book. – Click Here 



2. “Get More Listings” Free Online Webinar


“Get MORE Listings & Begin to Dominate Your Market!” Free online webinar. Learn the 3-7-27 strategy for explosive growth, why 95% of agents have less than 20% market share, and how to become the agent everyone competes against. – Click Here



3. The 12 Month Done-For-You Strategic Marketing Plan

The Real Estate Marketing Planner is a powerful 12-Month-Guide that strategically defines what marketing to do when. Four key market segments are included, Niche Marketing, Get More Listings, Geographic Farming, and Sphere of Influence. – Click Here



4. The Free One-Page Real Estate Business Plan

Treat your business like a business it is vital to long-term success in this industry. Some agents may put together elaborate business plans, yet there’s something powerful about keeping it simple. Check out our one page Online Real Estate Business Plan.  – Click Here



5. The Free Online ROI Calculator

Consistency and automation are the keys to success. Discover how effective direct mail marketing can dramatically increase your bottom line. Enter your statistics in our Free online ROI Calculator and click the ‘CALCULATE MY ROI’ button to see your results instantly! – Click Here

3 defining moves to start the year
Set the pace for Strategic Success

As competition grows more fierce, you may find yourself asking, “What’s my next move?”

Savvy agents are navigating the New Year with ease by investing in smart systems and tools that help them compete in today’s real estate market.

Who will take the lead in both listing and selling homes this year?

Those who stay strategically focused on one-to-one marketing, negotiate effectively up front and commit to consistent business development through monthly prospecting.

Time to set the standard high

In any market, taking a listing that won’t sell is worse than having no listing at all.

And while you may be tempted to take listings at any price, terms or commission, this is also a recipe for failure.

Consider instead, raising your standards using a strong, effective tool which spotlights the homeowner’s commitment to getting the home sold in the quickest possible time.

Our Merchandising Review is a great tool for this and there are three successful ways to implement it.

First: Make the right decisions at the listing appointment. It’s likely during your MerchandisingReviewTHUMB
presentation your sellers may have an objection or two regarding terms.

Try to shelve objection handling until after you have completed your presentation and obtained the signatures for the listing.

Then close your appointment by going over the Merchandising Review to make certain everything is in order.

Stating the Merchandising Review is a helpful tool to ensure everything is in order before the home is listed, the same way pilots use a pre-flight checklist.

This list of 18 different seller-controlled factors actually will help generate a quicker sale for the best possible price and terms. Then simply walk through the list and negotiate where necessary.

Get non-selling inventory back on track

Go through your inventory and red flag problem listings.

Walk PricePyramidTHUMBthrough the problems using the Merchandising Review and the Five Most Common Mistakes tools.

Contact your sellers by phone or visit in person to help them understand those review items that are hindering the sale of their home.

Sample Dialogue: “Mr. and Mrs. Seller, we’ve had your property on the market for ____ days now and we are not getting the results that either of us had hoped for. We have a new tool called the Merchandising Review that helps us identify problem areas. I’d like to sit down with you to discuss those potential issues.

I believe if we walk through these items we can get your listing back on track and help exact a faster sale for your home. Would tomorrow at 6:00pm be good or would 8:30pm be better?”

Data mine for the niche that’s right for you

By targeting niche markets that are near and dear to your own interests, you’ll be better able to “speak their language” and let your passion for that market segment build the momentum you are looking for.

For example, do you love listing and selling waterfront properties?  Is boating the way you unwind?  Now, it’s easy to find and market to like-minded people and works not only with your sphere — but consumer interest groups that most resonate with you.

That way you are growing your book of business with the kind of folks you are most interested in working with. (And that just makes work, and life, a whole lot more interesting, don’t you think?)

It’s never been easier to do  

Create a target mailing list to search for the customer segments you most want to market to:


  1. Choose High-Income Consumers for luxury or investment property.investor
  2. Choose the Lifestyle Interest option for niche markets such as golfers, Tennis enthusiasts, and Boat owners.
  3. Empty-nesters are a great segment to market for downsizing. You could end up listing their current home, and help them purchase their new home
  4. Look to High-Income Renters for high-quality first time home ownership options.
  5.  Choose move up market for those who have been in their homes over nine years.  Help them list their current home and find their new dream property!

These market segments are just the tip of the iceberg.  Find the niche that most works for you.

Whatever strategy you deploy this season, make sure your message is clear and marketing consistent.

move up

Call, see or send something to everyone in your base of business at least every 30 days. You will find that your productivity, profitability, referrals, and commissions will be on track all year round.

Choose a postcard series from the niches mentioned above and send at least 100 postcards out to your newly targeted list.

Need help?  Call our support team today at 866.405.3638 to put the best systems in place to build your business easily, and cost-effectively.