Saturday, February 15, 2025


Congratulations to Jim Smeaton from Charles Rutenberg Realty our $10,000 Contest Winner!
Watch us surprise the winners at their home with the $10,000 check, Here!

We have One More Surprise…

Everyone who entered our 10k Realtor Contest will receive a $100 ProspectsPLUS! Gift Card!

Thank you everyone for your support and wonderful contributions!

Watch our Contest Winner Announcement Video that ran Live on Facebook to see all the action and our other semi-finalists Here!

Make sure to Sign-Up for our Newsletter to get the latest updates on contests and promotions for your chance to win !!!



10k Realtor Contest Winner


Make sure you tune in for our LIVE Announcement Wednesday at 1:00pm EST on Facebook!


Videos will appear in News Feed and on the broadcaster’s Page or profile while they are live.
Once a broadcast has ended, live videos are eligible to show up everywhere that other videos appear.





And More Sage Advice from Creative Agent Randi Giles

By Julie Escobar

Our team is having a lot of fun seeing the creativity some contestants are putting into their entries for the 10K Realtor Contest. Randi Giles is just one of them. I caught up with her to get some perspective on what she’s doing to stay top of mind, top of market, and in touch with the VIPs in her sphere to keep those referrals coming in.

Here’s what she shared…

Q:  Thanks for sharing your ideas with us! Can you first tell our readers a little about yourself?

A: I am a native Rhode Islander, hailing from the gorgeous seaside town of Bristol and working as a realtor in Warren RI. Recently I moved to Providence and enjoy all the art, culture, restaurants and business that the state capital has to offer.

Q:  From your Master Marketing Schedule entry – you look like you have a sense of humor as well as a keen eye for marketing. What do you like about having a tool such as the Schedule to help springboard ideas and keep agents on track?  

A: I am a super visual person. So, having a large format poster to look at reminding me to take action is very helpful.

Q:  You said you liked the Kiss the Landlord Goodbye tip. That’s a popular series with agents. Do you work with a lot of first time home buyers – and do you have any tips for that niche for our readers?  

A: I love working with first time home buyers. The tip I have for agents working with them is to make sure you go through every aspect of the process with them and manage their expectations.

Q:  I know you’re a fan of our Automated system of Just Listed/Just Sold postcards, What do you like about that system?

A: The automated system is so easy to use. It takes a matter of minutes to order and I don’t have to worry about copy, design, printing, or mailing!

Q: What are some of your favorite ways to stay in touch with the VIPs in your sphere of influence?

A: I like to send out handwritten cards to my “Top 50” at least twice a year.

Q: What makes you unique in your market?

A: I am lucky enough to work for a great private brokerage that handles a lot of specialty properties. The Link Agency specializes in finding solutions for clients with unique property needs or with unique situations.

Q:  Prospecting is a tough subject for a lot of agents—and sage advice?

A: Never give up.

Q:  What’s one outside-the-box idea that you think agents would benefit from in today’s competitive market?

A: I think being true to yourself and being a genuine person will go a long way. Finding something that you’re interested in. If you already do well in an area, try to find a way to fold that into your Real Estate work can help a lot. An example off the top of my head is photography. If you have a great camera and an eye for composition, you can offer your clients something maybe other agents don’t have.

Q:  If agents have a referral for you, how can they reach you?

A: Sure, I can be reached via phone at (401) 301-9703 or email at

Thanks, Randi! You’re awesome. If you’d like to learn more about the products and services that are helping make Randi’s business easier (and thousands of other agents as well) – visit our site at or call our team at 866.405.3638.

Be like Randi! Jump into the contest!  


Insights from Helene Nunez

by Julie Escobar

We seriously have the best customers. They are always so generous in their willingness to share ideas, experience, and strategies with our readers. I loved the spirit of one of our customers who recently jumped into the $10K Realtor Contest with a fun entry, who turned one Master Marketing Schedule idea into an exciting and fun opportunity to reach out to some of her current clients. Meet Helene Nunez and see what SHE’S doing to shake things up in her market!

Q:  Thanks for sharing your ideas with us! Can you first tell our readers a little about yourself?

A: Sure, I am a mother of three daughters and two stepdaughters, and I am so blessed to have 12 healthy grandchildren. I am a native of Tampa, Florida, where Irma just paid a visit! I am so thankful my family is all safe. I am a family of seven. I have two older brothers, then me, then two more brothers, then two sisters. (We are all a family of workaholics!) My Mom, Abby, and stepdad, Bob, came here to Louisiana to avoid Irma. My mom is/was a licensed broker in Tampa, and if truth be known, she could sell ice to an Eskimo!  My sister Paula is also a Realtor in Tampa. And she is super amazing and is a true workaholic, like me! I moved to Louisiana in 1995.  I started real estate in 2003 with Keller Williams, then three years later opened Helene Team Realty. I was very nervous taking the broker exam, and I told my two clients that wanted me to list their home that failure is not an option. I had to pass this broker exam, and God was with me, and I passed!  I always wondered what I wanted to do when I grew up, and in my very first week of being a Realtor, I KNEW I’d found my calling. I was terrified, but absolutely love what I do.

Q:  I loved that you took on one of the fun Master Marketing Schedule tips and chose the Trail Mix Day! How fun is that?  What made you choose that and what kind of reaction did you get from clients?

A: Well, when I saw that it was National Trail Mix Day, I thought, I can do that! So, I went out and purchased several bags of Trail Mix, and took it to the clients I was currently working with, and man, oh man, they were so excited! And, their excitement, made me realize even more that I found the right company to work with. I love your ideas!

Q:  What do you like most about the Schedule and what, if anything, surprised you about it?

A: I was totally surprised by most of the ideas. Man, they are fantastic. I love the schedule because it gives me ideas that I could not possibly think of myself. What great inspiration.

Q:  What’s most important to you in terms of staying top of mind with your sphere of influence and farm area prospects?

A: Staying top of mind with your sphere is everything. It is so important. If you don’t stay in touch, your past client can and will buy from another agent. Real estate is about building long-standing relationships. You see, you want to sell to your client, and when done the right way, then, they refer their family, friends, and even their children to you when they come of age!

Q:  So many agents struggle to market because they never put a database together. What advice would you have for them?

A:  No database??? You have to have a database to build your business. That is the most basic need. And, be sure to feed it daily. And, one day when you retire, you will actually have a business to sell.  Your book of business IS your database.

Q:  How often do you personally connect with your sphere?

A: I try to contact my sphere four times a year. Some have moved and have different addresses, and some have changed their cell phone numbers, but I drive by their house and drop off a little gift. Maybe some fresh baked cookies, or a treat of some kind. But it is so important to stay top of mind with your sphere.

Q:  What expert advice would you have for agents just beginning to brand and market themselves in an area?

A: In order to grow your business be consistent. Start with a database. That IS your business. Educate yourself. Knowledge is power, and the more you know, the more you can protect your clients’ interest. Yes, it takes time and money. But, if you stay disciplined, the money will follow and you can build a great business.  I’d also like to share one of my favorite quotes by Albert Einstein: “Strive not to be a success but rather be of value.”  If being of value is your focus, success will follow.

Q:  If agents have a referral for you, how can they reach you?

A: The best way to reach me is by my cell phone 504-427-6183. My office number is 985-639-3991. Email and my office is in Olde Towne Slidell, 2010 First Street, Slidell, LA 70458.

Thank you so much, Helene! You’re awesome! If you are a customer and would like to share ideas of your own, please contact me today to set up an interview! I can be reached at

Be like Helene! Jump into the contest!  



Can you be TOO good at your marketing copy?  We get you and we’ve got you covered. We’re here to help make it more smooth sailing. 

Have a fun Friday and remember — we’re here if you need us. Call our marketing team at 866.405.3638 today.

#realestatemarketing #adayinthelife #realtorlife

Don’t miss out! Remember to jump into our big contest this week! 


One Solid Strategy for Fall

by Julie Escobar

Successful real estate professionals will tell you that part of creating a continuous stream of referrals and new business is staying top of mind with the folks in your sphere and farm in consistent and creative ways. One popular postcard series that agents are using to kick start market-specific conversations is our Market Quote Series. This series of six postcards are perfect for agents who want to mail-market to their database every other month.

They are a fun way to remind potential buyers and sellers that you are a resource they can trust to answer their real estate questions or needs.

Step one:  Login to your free account. (Or easily create an account and profile in a matter of minutes. Once your profile is ready – the system will automatically populate your information into all of the 800+ marketing tools on the site.)

Step two:  Select a card such as this week’s Master Marketing Schedule tip which is to send the Best Advice postcard from the Market Quote Series to at least 100 new prospects in an area where you want more listings.You can leave as is or customize to suit your marketing style.

Step three:  Add your mailing list or use our mapping tools to create a mailing list. If you need help with mailing lists – call our support team at 866.405.3638 or click here to see all of our comprehensive mailing list solutions.

Step four:  Place your order then track it. It’s that easy! Click here to watch a video on tracking your postcard order.

Making your job easier is our goal.  That’s why we created the Master Marketing Schedule to offer strategic and creative solutions for building your business faster, easier, more affordable and with way fewer headaches. In fact, if you’re in “marketing mode” – you may want to look at this month’s tip which is:

The weather is cooling down, and the market is heating up! Door hangers are a time-tested tool to help you get noticed, meet the folks in the geographic farm you’re working and market yourself and your listings. Learn three powerful ways to use them at

Putting systems for staying in touch in place don’t have to be tough – or time consuming.  Most of our top customers schedule 15-30 minutes at the beginning or end of every month to focus on what marketing tools they want to go out.  When they choose a campaign, it’s easy — they simply pick the next one in the series, order and get back to their high priority tasks. Some even delegate a member of their team to make it their priority that something is always being sent to their sphere and farm so top of mind awareness is always there.

Kudos to the agents that are working their systems and are willing to share their experiences with others. We so appreciate you all. Want to see what other agents are using to market themselves this season from the Master Marketing Schedule? Head over to our Facebook page to see their $10K Realtor Contest Entries! Perhaps one of these strategies will be part of YOUR contest entry!


Have questions or need help developing the marketing plan that’s right for you?  Call us today at 866.405.3638 or email us at  We’re here to assist!

Meet the real estate pros that have already entered for their chance at winning TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS in our $10K REALTOR Contest. 

They are fun, creative, and in the running for the grand prize, to be awarded in November. What about YOU? Are you ready to throw your hat in the ring for a chance at the money? It’s easy – here’s how you get started:


  • Grab your copy of the Master Marketing Magazine and pull out the Master Marketing Schedule poster. If your calendar is missing or you didn’t get your magazine, you can request an additional copy at  We’ve noticed some folks are posting the downloadable schedule from our blog schedule page, but the official rules call for you to use the actual poster.
  • Hang your poster on the wall or in your cubicle (or in Angie’s case, her truck!).
  • Take a photo or video of you with your Master Marketing Schedule poster, and be sure to get in the shot! 
  • Check out Helene’s post as a great example.
  • Go to, and tell us your favorite strategy from the schedule in your Facebook post, you’ll find we have strategies for each week, and a monthly tip as well in the calendar. Choose the ones that most resonate with you and share how you’d use it in your marketing. Be specific, as Helene did! Remember – the schedule, you, and your strategy all have to be included to be a contender.
  • Have some fun with it! Our judges will base their decisions on creativity and originality – so don’t hold back!
  • Entries must be submitted by 5:00 pm Eastern Time on November 10, 2017.

For full contest rules and conditions, go to

Get in the running! Go to, TODAY! 

Why use the Master Marketing Schedule? Our customers tell us it takes the stress out of deciding what to do each month to stay in front of their sphere of influence, geographic farm, and niche markets. They also tell us it helps them stay on track so that their marketing doesn’t slip through the cracks during these busy buying and selling seasons. It’s what we designed it to do! Help agents grow their businesses with more ease and less stress.

If you need help with your marketing, please call our support team at 866.405.3638. That’s what they do best!