Saturday, May 4, 2024

Lisa Gray

Lisa is an accomplished marketer with years of expertise in direct response marketing, digital marketing, data analytics and business development working with both B2C and B2B.

    As you are well aware, first impressions matter, and your LinkedIn profile is the digital representation of your professional brand. Ensure that your profile is complete, engaging, and showcases your expertise in the real estate industry. 

    Use a professional headshot, write a compelling headline, and craft a concise and captivating summary that highlights your unique value proposition. Remember, you want to make a strong impression and entice potential clients to connect with you.

    By the way, pages with complete information get 30% more weekly views.

    Build your network

    LinkedIn is all about connections, so start by connecting with your existing network of clients, colleagues, friends, and family. 

    Then, expand your network strategically by engaging with industry professionals, local business owners, and influential individuals in your community. 

    Join relevant LinkedIn groups and participate in discussions to establish yourself as an authority in the real estate field.

    Aside from area-specific groups, consider joining these, recommended by the pros at

    You’ll also find several referral groups as well.

    Content is still king

    Creating and sharing valuable content is key to capturing the attention of your target audience. Instead of pushing sales pitches, focus on providing information and insights that homebuyers and sellers will find useful. 

    Remember, your audience on LinkedIn is markedly different than on other platforms. Consider the following topics that might be of interest:

    • How to defer capital gains taxes by using a 1031 Exchange when selling 
    • The current state of the local housing market
    • Local housing market predictions
    • Create a freebie report that they can download from your website
    • Discuss the option of borrowing against their 401(k) funds to purchase a home
    • Create an article about the pros and cons of tapping into current home equity with a HELOC to purchase a second home
    Utilize LinkedIn Pulse

    LinkedIn Pulse is a publishing platform that allows you to reach a wider audience by sharing long-form content. 

    “When you write an article on Pulse, everyone you’re connected to will be notified of the new content,” according to the folks at Sprout Social. “It’s also possible to share Pulse pieces as separate content on LinkedIn and on other social media profiles, too,” they conclude.

    More exposure? Twist my arm, right?

    Write informative articles that address common questions and challenges faced by homebuyers and sellers. Share success stories and showcase your unique approach to real estate. 

    Engagement is key

    Finally, engage with your LinkedIn connections as often as possible. Like, comment on, and share posts with others in your network. Always check your messages and respond as quickly as possible to them.

    PLUS: When you have time…below are some marketing tools to help support your success.

    1. Put Your Real Estate Business a Step Above with Your Own Branded Magazine

    Homes & Life Magazine is a customizable magazine with rich, full-color content and a sharp, professional aesthetic. It includes compelling, direct response-driven articles written by real estate industry experts and engaging lifestyle content. Send out Homes & Life Magazine in Just Minutes – No Minimums Required. Or we’ll ship it to you. Homes & Life Magazine is the ultimate “Coffee Table Lingerer”! …and it costs less than sending a greeting card!Click Here

    2. The Free 6-Month Done-For-You Strategic Marketing Plan

    The Real Estate Marketing Planner is a powerful 6-Month Guide that strategically defines what marketing to do and when. Four key market segments include niche Markets, geographic farming, sphere of influence, and past clients. – Click Here

    3. The Free Interactive 6-Month Real Estate Business Review

    The Free Interactive 6-Month Real Estate Business Review allows you to enter your business goals for the remainder of the year and get a breakdown of how many prospects, listings, closing, and so on are needed to reach your goals.   – Click Here

    4. The Become a Listing Legend Free eBook 

    This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Become-A-Listing-Legend-3D-Book-White-274x300.jpg

    Ready to take a vertical leap in your real estate career? If you’re looking for inspiration…and the tools and methods to dominate a market and go to the top in real estate…you’ll find them in this free book. Click Here

      John recently sent a Just Listed postcard, shown above. To see more, Click Here.

      Congratulations, John Martelotti, on winning this week’s contest!

      John had the following words to say about his success sending marketing out from ProspectsPLUS!,

      “Very good marketing tools for automatic mailings and geographic farming. Great service too.”

      -John Martelotti

      John, thank you for this wonderful feedback. We truly appreciate you and your support!

      Don’t Forget to Enter For Your Chance to Win a $125 ProspectsPLUS! Gift Card! (see how below)*
      This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is 125-gift-card-banner_large-1024x559.jpg
      What Can You Do With a $125 ProspectsPLUS! Gift Card? Here are 4 Things:
      • Launch and pay for the first month of a Sphere or Farm Scheduled Campaign consisting of 130 jumbo postcards.
      • Send 130 jumbo Just Listed or Just Sold Postcards to a radius surrounding your listing.
      • Send 130 Jumbo Get More Listings postcards to an area where you want more listings.
      • Create a niche prospect list (empty nesters, move-up market, etc.) and mail 130 jumbo postcards.

      HOW TO ENTER: Just leave a review regarding how using marketing from ProspectsPLUS! has impacted your business, and you’re automatically entered into our next contest.

      Leave a review on Google HERE.
      Leave a review on Facebook, HERE.

      *If you’ve already entered our contest in the past and haven’t won, you don’t need to enter again. Your entry remains valid, and you still have a chance to win.

      Don’t forget to watch for next Friday’s email announcing the weekly winner!

      PLUS: When you have time…below are some marketing tools to help support your success.

      1. Put Your Real Estate Business a Step Above with Your Own Branded Magazine

      Homes & Life Magazine is a customizable magazine with rich, full-color content and a sharp, professional aesthetic. It includes compelling, direct response-driven articles written by real estate industry experts and engaging lifestyle content. Send out Homes & Life Magazine in Just Minutes – No Minimums Required. Or we’ll ship it to you. Homes & Life Magazine is the ultimate “Coffee Table Lingerer”! …and it costs less than sending a greeting card!Click Here

      2. The Free 6-Month Done-For-You Strategic Marketing Plan

      The Real Estate Marketing Planner is a powerful 6-Month Guide that strategically defines what marketing to do and when. Four key market segments include niche Markets, geographic farming, sphere of influence, and past clients. – Click Here

      3. The Free Interactive 6-Month Real Estate Business Review

      The Free Interactive 6-Month Real Estate Business Review allows you to enter your business goals for the remainder of the year and get a breakdown of how many prospects, listings, closing, and so on are needed to reach your goals.  – Click Here

      4. The Become a Listing Legend Free eBook 

      This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Become-A-Listing-Legend-3D-Book-White-274x300.jpg

      Ready to take a vertical leap in your real estate career? If you’re looking for inspiration…and the tools and methods to dominate a market and go to the top in real estate…you’ll find them in this free book. – Click Here

        We hope you’re able to take time this summer to relax and enjoy some downtime with friends and family. Even a solo day by the pool or at the beach would be cool, right?

        Summer lounging and books are pretty much inseparable, and we’ve come up with a list of three that are worth checking out.

        1. “Objections: The Ultimate Guide for Mastering the Art and Science of Getting Past No” Jeb Blount

        Handling objections is one of the more challenging aspects of a real estate agent’s job. Trying to get inside someone else’s head to figure out where the reluctance is coming from seems impossible. 

        “Objections” by Jeb Blount helps you make it possible. Blount, a seasoned sales expert, provides valuable insights and strategies to help readers navigate through objection busting effectively and close deals successfully.

        Each chapter focuses on a specific aspect of objection handling. We like the practical examples and real-life scenarios that make them relatable.

        One of the strengths of “Objections” is its emphasis on the mindset and psychology behind objections. 

        Then, he provides actionable strategies and techniques to handle objections effectively. 

        The content might be considered repetitive at times, as certain concepts and strategies are reiterated throughout the book.

        Overall, “Objections” is a valuable resource for any real estate agent who finds objection-busting challenging and is seeking ways to improve their negotiation skills. 

        Available at,, and

        2. “Mindset Reset for Real Estate Success: How to Become #1 in Your Market While Enjoying a Balanced Life,” Orly Steinberg

        “Mindset Reset for Real Estate Success” by Orly Steinberg is a compelling guide tailored specifically for real estate professionals.

        One of the standout features of this book is Steinberg’s emphasis on work-life balance. The author acknowledges the demanding nature of the real estate industry and offers practical strategies to help readers avoid burnout and find harmony between their personal and professional lives. 

        Additionally, the book offers valuable insights into building and nurturing relationships with clients, which is always important in real estate. 

        Steinberg’s writing style is engaging and relatable, making it an enjoyable and informative read for both experienced agents and newcomers to the field.

        Available at

        3. “The Real Real Estate Agent: Generate More Leads, Clients, and Referrals by Being Yourself, Having More Fun, and Making a Difference” by Aarin Chung

        Judging by Amazon reviews, agents are loving this book.  “The Real Real Estate Agent” by Aarin Chung focuses on authenticity, enjoyment, and making a positive impact. 

        Chung encourages readers to embrace their unique qualities, passions, and strengths rather than conforming to a generic mold of what a real estate agent should be. 

        Chung also explores the importance of having fun in the real estate business. The author believes that enjoying the process and finding joy in the work can have a significant impact on success. 

        The book also provides practical guidance on the basics: generating leads, acquiring clients, and maximizing referrals. 

        What we like best about the book is that Chung also addresses the importance of making a positive difference in the community. By giving back and being socially responsible, agents can create a meaningful legacy and enhance their reputation. 

        “The Real Real Estate Agent” is written in a conversational and relatable style, making it an enjoyable read for real estate professionals at all stages of their careers. 

        Readers who are already well-versed in personal branding and leveraging social media may find the book’s insights and strategies too basic or familiar. Available at,, and

        The Real Estate Times Series is shown above. To see more, click here.

        PLUS: When you have time…below are some marketing tools to help support your success.

        1. Put Your Real Estate Business a Step Above with Your Own Branded Magazine

        Homes & Life Magazine is a customizable magazine with rich, full-color content and a sharp, professional aesthetic. It includes compelling, direct response-driven articles written by real estate industry experts and engaging lifestyle content. Send out Homes & Life Magazine in Just Minutes – No Minimums Required. Or we’ll ship it to you. Homes & Life Magazine is the ultimate “Coffee Table Lingerer”! …and it costs less than sending a greeting card!Click Here

        2. The Free 6-Month Done-For-You Strategic Marketing Plan

        The Real Estate Marketing Planner is a powerful 6-Month Guide that strategically defines what marketing to do and when. Four key market segments include niche Markets, geographic farming, sphere of influence, and past clients. – Click Here

        3. The Free Interactive 6-Month Real Estate Business Review

        The Free Interactive 6-Month Real Estate Business Review allows you to enter your business goals for the remainder of the year and get a breakdown of how many prospects, listings, closing, and so on are needed to reach your goals.   – Click Here

        4. The Become a Listing Legend Free eBook 

        This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Become-A-Listing-Legend-3D-Book-White-274x300.jpg

        Ready to take a vertical leap in your real estate career? If you’re looking for inspiration…and the tools and methods to dominate a market and go to the top in real estate…you’ll find them in this free book. 

          I recently listened to Brian Buffini’s, Bold Predictions 2023: Mid-Year Update and was inspired by his perspective and convictions regarding the remainder of 2023 and what he predicts for 2024.

          It made me contemplate the power of perspective in the success of any endeavor.

          There are always different viewpoints available on topics that matter, and plenty of economic and housing experts have weighed in on their predictions for the remainder of this year and 2024.

          The only question that remains is, what viewpoints are you going to internalize, and what of those are you going to discard? The answer comes down to perspective.

          In the journey toward success, challenges are inevitable. They test our resolve, push us outside our comfort zone, and often force us to question our abilities.

          However, it is our perspective that determines whether we crumble under the weight of challenges or rise above them.

          The power of perspective lies in its ability to shape our mindset, fuel resilience, and unlock opportunities for growth and success.

          Here are four ways to adopt an empowering perspective that will pave the way to achieving success, regardless of challenges.

          1. Embrace a Growth Mindset

          Rather than viewing challenges as insurmountable obstacles, see them as opportunities for learning and personal development.

          By embracing a growth mindset, you can approach challenges with a sense of curiosity, seek solutions, and adapt your strategies to overcome obstacles.

          2. Find Opportunities in Adversity

          Perspective allows us to see beyond the immediate difficulties and recognize the hidden opportunities within challenges. Every setback presents a chance for growth, innovation, and self-discovery.

          Adversity often uncovers unexplored paths and possibilities. By shifting our perspective to focus on the opportunities within challenges, we can transform setbacks into launching pads for success.

          3. Cultivate Resilience

          A resilient mindset allows you to view challenges as temporary and solvable, something I think Brian Buffini is brilliant at doing.

          Rather than being overwhelmed by failures or setbacks, see them as stepping stones to success. Embrace challenges as learning experiences, adapt your strategies, and remain determined to achieve your goals.

          4. Harness the Power of Positive Thinking

          Positive thinking, driven by a constructive perspective, can significantly impact our ability to achieve success. It allows us to shift our focus from problems to solutions, inspiring creativity and innovation.

          By maintaining a positive outlook, we can tackle challenges with enthusiasm, attract positive opportunities and empower ourselves to achieve extraordinary outcomes.

          Remember, success is not defined by the absence of obstacles but by our ability to confront them head-on, armed with a powerful perspective.

          Embrace the power of perspective, and let it propel you towards the remarkable achievements that await on the other side of challenges.

          PLUS: When you have time…below are some marketing tools to help support your success.

          1. Put Your Real Estate Business a Step Above with Your Own Branded Magazine

          Homes & Life Magazine is a customizable magazine with rich, full-color content and a sharp, professional aesthetic. It includes compelling, direct response-driven articles written by real estate industry experts and engaging lifestyle content. Send out Homes & Life Magazine in Just Minutes – No Minimums Required. Or we’ll ship it to you. Homes & Life Magazine is the ultimate “Coffee Table Lingerer”! …and it costs less than sending a greeting card!Click Here

          2. The Free 6-Month Done-For-You Strategic Marketing Plan

          The Real Estate Marketing Planner is a powerful 6-Month Guide that strategically defines what marketing to do and when. Four key market segments include niche Markets, geographic farming, sphere of influence, and past clients. – Click Here

          3. The Free Interactive 6-Month Real Estate Business Review

          The Free Interactive 6-Month Real Estate Business Review allows you to enter your business goals for the remainder of the year and get a breakdown of how many prospects, listings, closing, and so on are needed to reach your goals.   – Click Here

          4. The Become a Listing Legend Free eBook 

          This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Become-A-Listing-Legend-3D-Book-White-274x300.jpg

          Ready to take a vertical leap in your real estate career? If you’re looking for inspiration…and the tools and methods to dominate a market and go to the top in real estate…you’ll find them in this free book. Click Here