3 New Year’s Resolutions for Hungry Real Estate Agents

    If you’ve been in the real estate business for at least 5 years, congratulations! It’s a testament to your tenacity.

    If you’re still struggling to achieve the level of success you desire, you’re not alone. However, now is the time to put the past behind you and start off 2022 committed to making your real estate business dreams a reality.

    You can do this by executing at least one of the following 2022 New Year’s resolutions listed below.

    Or adopt them all and truly DOMINATE IN 2022!

    1. Resolve to let go of old expectations

    Remember your pre-agent days when you thought that, to make the big bucks, all a real estate agent had to do was buy a fancy car, dress like Serhant, and schmooze with folks?

    Not only that but there’s no boss in charge of your workday. You can come and go as you like and it won’t matter to anyone. Your pocketbook may take a hit, but you’re free and in control of your life.

    Here’s a sample of some additional rookie agent assumptions and expectations:

    • Your broker will supply you with what you need to become wildly successful.
    • You’ll receive expert training on the day-to-day business aspects of real estate.
    • You are not accountable for your success.
    • You can work short days and weeks, take lots of vacations and still make a killing in real estate as a newbie.

    If you still harbor any of these misconceptions, do yourself a favor and let them go. They aren’t serving you or your business growth.

    2. Promise yourself to pursue more listings in 2022
    2022 Real Estate Marketing Planner, HERE

    Why? Because “when you list, you last.”

    Sure, buyers are abundant in the current market, and finding a homeowner willing to sell is like trying to find gold in a silver mine.

    But if you’re going to focus on one area of your business in 2022, and you hope to be wildly successful without putting in so many hours that you become a stranger to family and friends, concentrating on becoming a listing agent is critical.

    Yeah, it’s a bit like trying to eat an elephant, but start slow and start small, taking one bite at a time.

    The 2022 Real Estate Business Plan will walk you through just how many more listings you will need in 2022 to meet your goals.

    3. Resolve to enter the new year with a solid marketing plan

    Every business needs a roadmap for the upcoming year. Marketing goals and objectives are part of this roadmap. To meet them, you’ll need to know how to get there and the 2022 Real Estate Marketing Planner is the ideal guide to help you.

    Check Out Two More Free Marketing Tools to Help You achieve Your Goals:


    Please reach out to our support team at 866.405.3638 with questions or if there is anything we can do to help you with your success.

    Lisa is an accomplished marketer with years of expertise in direct response marketing, digital marketing, data analytics and business development working with both B2C and B2B.