Friday, October 18, 2024

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    Become a market maker

    Dean Jackson, Founder of GoGoAgent and Listing Agent Lifestyle, is an expert in educating agents on the importance of becoming a real estate Market-Maker.

    Dean states, “Most agents begin focusing on finding a buyer after they get a new listing. Often agents are only focused on getting listings because their belief is they need these listings to be able to find buyers”.

    “But what if you reversed this thinking?” Dean continues, “What if instead of matching buyers and sellers, listing by listing, you become a Market-Maker who’s truly controlling your market?”.

    Just Listed Color Series

    How incredible would it be to arrive at your listing appointment with a list of buyers, you’ve already been communicating with, from the surrounding area?

    As Dean says, “There’s nothing more powerful than this position because you’ve got the very thing that the seller wants more than anything”.

    “Regardless of who else is competing for this listing they can’t win when you already have buyers in hand”.

    When you begin to see your listing appointments in this way you are changing the game completely and taking your first steps toward becoming a Market-Maker.

    NAR statistics show home buyers, on average, move within 15 miles of their last location. This means there’s a good chance your listings home buyers are renters located in the same area.

    Based on this fact, it only makes sense to create a Renter Prospect List in the area that you are currently prospecting/farming and begin marketing to this list.

    This will allow you to show up at your listing appointments already armed with a list of prospective buyers.

    Renter Prospect List pinpointed on map

    In fact, you can demonstrate this by printing out your Renter Prospect List in map form on ProspectsPLUS!. Use the List Management Tool under your account options to do this.

    Then, take your map with you on your listing appointments.

    Show this map to homeowners and tell them you’ve been looking for their home’s buyer for months.

    State you have a pool of potential buyers you’ve been communicating with that live in the surrounding area. Then, discuss the high probability that their home buyer is on your list (based on statistics).

    Imagine the feeling you’ll have selling this listing to your own buyer – that’s a true Market-Maker!

    Watch this video (below) to see how to build a list of High-Income Renters and then map your list and print it out.

    How to turbo-charge the buyer pool for your current listings

    If you already have a listing and are getting ready to send out your Just Listed postcards, here’s how to increase your buyer pool and the odds of selling this listing to your own buyer.

    FIRST: Choose your Just Listed postcard on ProspectsPLUS! and complete any edits that you may need.

    NEXT: Once you get to the “proof screen”, you’ll see a blue box in the right vertical column (See photo on right).

    Click the yellow “add renters list” button inside the blue box.

    BAM! you just added a list of renters, in the same area, to your Just Listed campaign.

    It doesn’t get any easier than that to increase your buyer pool, and the odds of selling to your buyer, for that listing.

    Bottom line

    Whether adding a renter list to your existing just listed campaign or marketing to renters in your farm area, the most essential item you can have in your arsenal is a large pool of buyers within 15 miles of your listings.

    While other agents are discussing (with fingers crossed) what they’ll do to find a buyer once the listing agreement is signed you stand alone because you’ve already done the work.

    Multi-Photo Series
    Send a Just Listed postcard from the Multi-Photo Series to a radius surrounding your listing.

    Don’t forget to add a list of renters to your just listed campaign to increase the odds of selling to your own buyer.

    Need help targeting a specific niche of buyers or sellers? Use our prospect list tools to create the ideal list (it’s easy) or call our support team for assistance at 866.405.3638!

    By The Way, Happy Giving Tuesday Everyone!

    PLUS: When you have time…here are some helpful resources we’ve made available to support your success.

    1. Become a Neighborhood Brand

    Become branded in a specific neighborhood with a 12X15 marketing piece sent automatically each month to an exclusive carrier route. Watch this video to learn more or Click Here.

    2. The Free Real Estate Mailing List Guide

    This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Real-Estate-Mailing-List-Guide2-3-D-999x1024.jpg

    The Real Estate Mailing List Guide outlines the top tools for generating targeted prospecting lists including Baby Boomers, Empty Nesters, Investors, Lifestyle Interests, High-Income Renters, Move-Up Markets, and more. The Guide also defines done-for-you marketing campaigns to match these markets. –Click Here

    3. The Free 12 Month Done-For-You Strategic Marketing Plan

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    The Real Estate Marketing Planner is a powerful 12-Month-Guide that strategically defines what marketing to do when. Four key market segments are included, Niche Marketing, Get More Listings, Geographic Farming, and Sphere of Influence. –Click Here

    4. The Free One-Page Real Estate Business Plan

    This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Business-Plan-3D-Book-New1-270x300.png

    Treat your business like a business it is vital to long-term success in this industry. Some agents may put together elaborate business plans, yet there’s something powerful about keeping it simple. Check out our one page Online Real Estate Business Plan.  – Click Here

    5. Become a Listing Legend Free eBook 

    This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Become-A-Listing-Legend-3D-Book-White-274x300.jpg

    Ready to take a vertical leap in your real estate career? If you’re looking for inspiration…and the tools and methods to dominate a market and go to the top in real estate…you’ll find them in this free book. – Click Here

    6. The Free Online ROI Calculator

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    Consistency and automation are the keys to success. Discover how effective direct mail marketing can dramatically increase your bottom line. Enter your statistics in our Free online ROI Calculator and click the ‘CALCULATE MY ROI’ button to see your results instantly! –Click Here

    7. The Free Real Estate Marketing Guide “CRUSH IT” 

    This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is CRUSH-IT-Guide-3-d-298x300.jpg

    The “Crush It” Guide includes easy steps to launching an effective direct mail marketing campaign, how to create a targeted prospect list, the perfect way to layout marketing materials for success, seven opportunities available to target in your area right now. –Click Here

      One lesson real estate folks have learned, painfully, is that new legislation often brings significant changes.

      One such piece of legislation making waves is the “End Hedge Fund Control of American Homes Act”.

      Proposed to reshape the housing market, this act aims to address the growing concern that institutional investors, particularly hedge funds, are exerting significant control over residential properties.

      So, what does this mean for real estate agents and brokers?

      Understanding the Act

      In a nutshell, the “End Hedge Fund Control of American Homes Act”… would force owners of a large number of “… single-family residences to sell their swath of homes to family buyers,” according to Shannon Thayer (New York Post) citing The Wall Street Journal.

      It’s been bad enough that homebuyers face low inventories and high mortgage rates. To have to compete against the deep-pocketed investment firms makes it all but impossible for many buyers to remain in the market.

      Under the proposed act, institutional investors would face restrictions on the number of single-family homes they can acquire.

      Additionally, they would be required to hold these properties for a minimum duration before selling, aiming to prevent speculative practices that can destabilize local housing markets.

      The Get More Listings Series is shown above. To learn more, Click Here.

      What does this mean for real estate brokers and agents?

      1. Increased Opportunities for Individual Buyers.

      With hedge funds facing limitations on their acquisitions, individual buyers may find competing in the housing market easier.

      This could lead to an increase in demand for your services, which is always a good thing, right?

      2. Greater Stability in Local Markets

      By curbing speculative practices and reducing the influence of institutional investors, the act aims to promote greater stability in local housing markets.

      Real estate agents may benefit from a more predictable market environment, where fluctuations in inventory and pricing are less volatile.

      3. Potential Challenges

      While the act holds the promise of a more balanced housing market, it may also present challenges for real estate agents. Adapting to new regulations and navigating changes in market dynamics can require time and effort. 

      Additionally, some real estate professionals who have relied heavily on transactions involving institutional investors may need to diversify their client base.

      Learn more about the Act online at

      When you have time…below are some marketing tools to help support your success.

      1. Put Your Real Estate Business a Step Above with Your Own Branded Magazin

      Homes & Life Magazine is a customizable magazine with rich, full-color content and a sharp, professional aesthetic. It includes compelling, direct, response-driven articles written by real estate industry experts and engaging lifestyle content. Send out Homes & Life Magazine in Just Minutes – No Minimums Required. Or we’ll ship it to you. Homes & Life Magazine is the ultimate “Coffee Table Lingerer”! …and it costs less than sending a greeting card!Click Here

      2. The Free 6-Month Done-For-You Strategic Marketing Planner

      The Real Estate Marketing Planner is a powerful 6-Month Guide that strategically defines what marketing to do and when. Four key market segments include niche Markets, geographic farming, sphere of influence, and past clients. – Click Here

      3. The Free Online Real Estate Business Plan

      The Real Estate Business Plan allows you to enter your business goals for the year and get a breakdown of how many prospects, listings, closings, and so on are needed to reach your financial goals.   – Click Here

      4. The Become a Listing Legend Free eBook 

      This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Become-A-Listing-Legend-3D-Book-White-274x300.jpg

      Ready to take a vertical leap in your real estate career? If you’re looking for inspiration…and the tools and methods to dominate a market and go to the top in real estate…you’ll find them in this free book. – Click Here


        Think back to 2006. You may remember hearing about the launch of a new social media platform, Twitter. However, you most likely didn’t because it came with little fanfare.

        Posts to the social media platform were dubbed “tweets,” and tweeters were limited to only 140 characters at that time.

        Does that remind you of anything?

        As you know, each MLS has a limit on how many words (or characters) agents can use in the public-facing listing description. We attempted to determine the average word count restriction, but couldn’t. 

        Unless you write professionally, listing descriptions can be challenging to craft. But they don’t have to be if you follow a few simple rules.

        The anatomy of a listing description from a buyer’s point of view

        It’s common knowledge now that most house hunters turn to the internet for their initial search. 

        It’s also well known that these buyers won’t look at a listing that doesn’t include photos (2011 ocular tracking study E.V. Williams Center for Real Estate, Old Dominion University).

        That study showed us that homebuyers overwhelmingly scan the listing photo first and spend the most time doing so. They check out the property description next.

        The agent’s listing description was the last item they were interested in perusing, and 20 percent of the homebuyers studied didn’t bother reading them.

        Because of this, the researchers claim that listing descriptions are unimportant. 

        Did they miss the fact that 80 percent DID read the agent’s listing description?

        This is an important statistic for listing agents to concentrate on when writing the listing description.

        Use your words . . . strategically

        When asked by Shakespeare’s Polonius what he was reading, Hamlet replied, “Words, words, words.” 

        What he was reading, obviously, was meaningless. Words with meaning, on the other hand, are powerful and can actually help sell a home.

        We don’t advocate outright lying in a listing description, but Spencer Rascoff and Stan Humphries beg to differ:

        “Bottom-tier homes described as luxurious tend to beat their expected sale price by a whopping 8.2 percent.”

        They go on to claim that if your listing’s value is “$110,000, but your listing includes the keyword ‘luxurious,’ you could pocket an extra $8,965.”

        Additional money-making words from their study include:

        • Captivating
        • Impeccable (listings in the lower price ranges that include this word sold for nearly 6 percent more than the list price)
        • Stainless (a 5 percent bonus if your low-priced listing has stainless steel appliances and you incorporate that info in the listing description)
        • Landscaped
        • Granite (no surprise here, right?)
        • Remodeled
        • Beautiful
        • Spotless

        Check out the rest of the list at Be aware that the list is a bit old, but some of these trends still exist, such as granite (or quartz) countertops. Research is your friend.

        Sure, brilliant listing descriptions aren’t that critical in the current market. But, markets change and often do so on a dime. Keep the aforementioned information in your back pocket and pull it out when homes aren’t selling as soon as listed. And, remember,  adjectives, apparently, are money-makers.

        Sprinkle liberally for a brilliant listing description.

        PLUS: When you have time…below are some marketing tools to help support your success.

        1. Put Your Real Estate Business a Step Above with Your Own Branded Magazine

        Homes & Life Magazine is a customizable magazine with rich, full-color content and a sharp, professional aesthetic. It includes compelling, direct, response-driven articles written by real estate industry experts and engaging lifestyle content. Send out Homes & Life Magazine in Just Minutes – No Minimums Required. Or we’ll ship it to you. Homes & Life Magazine is the ultimate “Coffee Table Lingerer”! …and it costs less than sending a greeting card!Click Here

        2. The Free 6-Month Done-For-You Strategic Marketing Plan

        The Real Estate Marketing Planner is a powerful 6-Month Guide that strategically defines what marketing to do and when. Four key market segments include niche Markets, geographic farming, sphere of influence, and past clients. – Click Here

        3. The Free Interactive 6-Month Real Estate Business Review

        The Free Interactive 6-Month Real Estate Business Review allows you to enter your business goals for the remainder of the year and get a breakdown of how many prospects, listings, closing, and so on are needed to reach your goals.   – Click Here

        4. The Become a Listing Legend Free eBook 

        This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Become-A-Listing-Legend-3D-Book-White-274x300.jpg

        Ready to take a vertical leap in your real estate career? If you’re looking for inspiration…and the tools and methods to dominate a market and go to the top in real estate…you’ll find them in this free book. – Click Here

          On a popular website devoted to helping small businesses, an agent and “Real Estate Sales and Marketing Analyst” offers up an article that includes several examples of expired listing letters “that work.”

          Letter number two is my least favorite. It begins, “Dear Homeowner.”

          If I received that letter, I would think that if the agent couldn’t even take the time to personalize his marketing letter, how much better will he do when marketing my home?

          But the best one of the bunch is when the agent explains that he offers “clients a different, unique approach to getting their home sold despite the market conditions.”

          And, what does he offer clients that’s so “unique” and so “different?” Here it is, in a nutshell:

          • “The effective use of the internet to maximize exposure for your home”
          • a CMA
          • an MLS listing
          • a virtual tour
          • and a bunch of other stuff that every single listing agent on the planet offers.

          Then, there’s the advice on a Trulia thread from an agent who suggests agents should always visit the expired listing homeowner in person. 

          The Just Sold Follow-Up Campaign is shown above. To see more, Click HERE.

          He describes the conversation you should have right up to what he calls his “big closing question,” the “money maker.”

          He tells the homeowner that he never had a chance to visit the home while it was listed. “ … would it be okay if I had a quick peek at it right now?”

          As a homeowner, my question when he asked to look at my home would be: If you’re the neighborhood expert and a mega-agent, why didn’t you look at the home during the 90 days it was listed? 

          Should you visit the homeowner? Sure, if you want to truly cement the idea that real estate agents are a bit aggressive. 

          Thankfully, you’re different

          The one indisputable fact about expired listings, you will have a ton of competition when pursuing them. But, your competition will often approach the homeowner using ineffective advice offered by real estate gurus.

          This should make it much easier to create a positive impression for the agent who can manage to come off as human, as empathic, and professional.

          Those three qualities alone will set you apart from the agents you’ll be in competition against. So, personalize all communications with the homeowner, don’t be salesy, and come up with your unique value proposition – that “stuff” you offer or do that makes you better than most.

          PLUS: When you have time…below are some marketing tools to help support your success.

          1. Put Your Real Estate Business a Step Above with Your Own Branded Magazine

          Homes & Life Magazine is a customizable magazine with rich, full-color content and a sharp, professional aesthetic. It includes compelling, direct response-driven articles written by real estate industry experts combined with engaging lifestyle content. Send out Homes & Life Magazine in Just Minutes – No Minimums Required. Or we’ll ship it to you.

          Homes & Life Magazine is the ultimate “Coffee Table Lingerer”! …and it costs less than sending a greeting card!Click Here

          2. The Free 6-Month Done-For-You Strategic Marketing Plan

          The Real Estate Marketing Planner is a powerful 6-Month-Guide that strategically defines what marketing to do and when. Four key market segments include niche Markets, geographic farming, sphere of influence, and past clients. – Click Here

          3. The BusinessBase, SOI building system

          The most effective thing you can do to build a real estate business is to become more visible, more likable, and remembered more often. The BusinessBASE™ not only checks these boxes but is also a business-building machine. In two easy steps, you can build a robust sphere of influence that will provide you a lifetime of repeat business and referrals. – Click Here

          4. The Free Interactive Real Estate Business Plan

          The Free Interactive Real Estate Business Plan allows you to enter your business goals for this year and get a breakdown of how many prospects, listings, closings, and so on are needed to reach your goals.  – Click Here

          5. The Become a Listing Legend Free eBook 

          This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Become-A-Listing-Legend-3D-Book-White-274x300.jpg

          Ready to take a vertical leap in your real estate career? If you’re looking for inspiration…and the tools and methods to dominate a market and go to the top in real estate…you’ll find them in this free book. – Click Here

          6. The Take a Listing Today Podcast

          Watch the ProspectsPLUS!, Take a Listing Today Podcast for actionable content to help you get more listings. – Click Here