Wednesday, October 23, 2024

plan ahead

How do you plan your week to optimize productivity?

Try following these simple steps:

Step 1. Review Monthly Goals – review or create a list of your goals for the month.

Step 2. Plan of Attack – determine what needs to be completed under each goal and the time it will take.

Step 3. Schedule Tasks – plot out your month based on the time each goal will take and add the tasks associated with that goal to your calendar for that month.

Step 4. Plan Your week – The night before your week begins, review what tasks need to be completed during your coming week and determine, based on time needed, when you will complete these tasks.

Step 5. Week-end Review – At the end of your week, review the tasks that needed to be completed. If something on your list didn’t made the cut, add it to your coming week, with a new plan of attack for completion.

Have a productive rest of your week!

Remember at ProspectsPLUS! we are always here to help you in anyway we can! Please reach out if you need our assistance at 866-405-3638.