Saturday, February 8, 2025

monday motivation

The definition of the word motivation is: the general desire or willingness of someone to do something.

When we think about “being motivated” often that idea is tied to a motivation to work harder or achieve more.

At times, being motivated can feel like a big undertaking, like a mountain that needs to be climbed.

Often the smallest step forward is all that is necessary to create a positive and rewarding impact on our day.

With this in mind, today’s Monday Motivation message isn’t based on a task that needs completion or a mission to undertake, instead it’s a decision to choose a feeling.

“Today I Choose Joy”

This may sound a bit “touchy feely”, but choosing joy is a lost art in adulthood.

As a child the decision to choose joy is as natural as waking up.

So in the spirit of the holidays, let’s embrace the child in all of us and make the choice to feel joy as we move through our day.

At ProspectsPLUS! we recently found a way to experience joy

by bringing some holiday spirit into the office and doing a little holiday decorating.

Picking out a tree and putting up holiday lights, is something that can often become a frustrating task, added to the already endless list of things to do this time of year.

We found, once the decorating was underway…

…we couldn’t help but smile.

Soon we were laughing and truly enjoying a moment to pause and just celebrate life.

Whether you choose to experience joy through decorating your house for the holidays, sending out holiday cards to your customers, or baking cookies for an elderly neighbor…

We wish for you a wonderful holiday season filled with moments of joy!

At ProspectsPLUS! we truly enjoy helping you with anything you need! Please reach out if you need our assistance at 866-405-3638.