Saturday, February 15, 2025

Get More Listings postcards

    There are three rather steep learning curves when one enters the real estate industry as an agent. The first is learning all the boring stuff, such as metes and bounds, riparian rights and agency.

    Then, there’s that baptism-by-fire thing that happens when you hang your license with your first broker. As a boot on the ground, you learn by doing, how to list and sell homes, how to fill out the contracts, how to give a listing presentation.

    The third learning curve involves finessing your business so that you don’t waste time on lame lead gen that doesn’t offer a decent ROI.

    This last is one curve that many agents never take. They prefer backtracking to accelerating into the one curve that will make them more successful.

    The Just Curious postcard is available in the postcard section under the Get More Listings Series.

    It all comes down to complacency or hunger. Agents in the latter group, especially those who have hit a plateau, may just benefit from life or business coaching.

    Are you struggling?

    “Impossible decisions. Immovable objects. Unstoppable forces. Problems abound, financial, career, health, relationships, life.”

    Sound familiar? Sean Everett, editor at Humanizing Tech, calls this “A hero’s journey.” And, if it does sound familiar, he suggests that you need a coach.

    Think you don’t need one? Eric Schmidt, former Google CEO once felt the same way. He was at the top of his game when someone suggested he hire a coach. He initially resisted but finally caved.

    He’s not the only member of the rich and famous crowd to realize the need for help. Oprah, members of Metallica, Leonardo DiCaprio, former president Bill Clinton, Andre Agassi and Hugh Jackman represent a few of them who credit their success to their coaches.

    Everyone needs a coach

    That’s a quote from Schmidt, in an interview with Fortune magazine. If you:

    • Have no idea about last year’s production
    • Have no clear plan for this year’s
    • Lack a marketing budget
    • Are confused about lead generation
    • Feel stuck and/or overwhelmed
    • Are frustrated
    The Should I Stay or Should I Go postcard is available in the postcard section under the Get More Listings Series.

    you need a coach.

    The benefits of working with a coach published a survey a couple of years ago that found that 90 percent of agents who worked with a coach saw at least a 10 percent increase in their production after one year.

    Twenty-six percent said theirs increased more than 25 percent and 10 percent of this group of  agents’ production increased between 100 to almost 200 percent.

    That is a crazy amount of winning, right?

    A real estate or even a life coach can view your business as an outsider. Not being involved in the day-to-day minutiae has benefits. They examine the big picture and simplify your process.

    “Coaching helps you to take responsibility for your life, let go of what others think and become your true self. It’s about you creating the life that you want – and deserve,” according to Emma-Louise Elsey, founder of Simplicity Life Coaching Ltd. and The

    If you want to reap the rewards of working with a coach, though, commit to doing what he or she says.

    Choosing a real estate or life coach

    Coaching is offered in a variety of media so decide first how you best learn, which type fits best into your schedule and the one you’re most likely to stick with.

    When considering a coach, look at his or her background because you’ll only want to “take the advice of people who have done what” you want to do, according to entrepreneur Tim Kitchen at

    Then again, sometimes it takes a fresh pair of eyes from someone who has never done what you do, such as President Bill Clinton who was coached by Tony Robbins.

    If you need help generating leads or someone to hold you accountable for following up with them, there are plenty of real estate specific coaches from which to choose. Don’t be surprised if you end up working with several before you find the one that’s a good fit for your needs.

    Take a look at the comparison of three of the most popular real estate coaches, Ferry, Buffini and Proctor at

    The agents we’ve spoken with all say that it’s important to feel comfortable with a coach. Keep looking until you’ve found “the one.”

    The Looking For Some Expert Advice postcard is available in the postcard section under the Get More Listings Series.
    Send the Looking For Some Expert Advice postcard from the Get More Listings Series to an area where you want more listings.


    Need help targeting the perfect niche of buyers or sellers? Use our mailing list tool to create the ideal list (it’s easy) or call our support team for assistance at 866.405.3638!

    PLUS: When you have time…here are Free killer tools to help your success this year!

    1. Become a Listing Legend Free eBook 

    Ready to take a vertical leap in your real estate career? If you’re looking for inspiration…and the tools and methods to dominate a market and go to the top in real estate…you’ll find them in this free book. – Click Here



    2. “Get More Listings” Free Online Webinar


    “Get MORE Listings & Begin to Dominate Your Market!” Free online webinar. Learn the 3-7-27 strategy for explosive growth, why 95% of agents have less than 20% market share, and how to become the agent everyone competes against. – Click Here



    3. The 12 Month Done-For-You Strategic Marketing Plan

    The Real Estate Marketing Planner is a powerful 12-Month-Guide that strategically defines what marketing to do when. Four key market segments are included, Niche Marketing, Get More Listings, Geographic Farming, and Sphere of Influence. –Click Here



    4. The Free One-Page Real Estate Business Plan

    Treat your business like a business it is vital to long-term success in this industry. Some agents may put together elaborate business plans, yet there’s something powerful about keeping it simple. Check out our one page Online Real Estate Business Plan.  – Click Here



    5. The Free Online ROI Calculator

    Consistency and automation are the keys to success. Discover how effective direct mail marketing can dramatically increase your bottom line. Enter your statistics in our Free online ROI Calculator and click the ‘CALCULATE MY ROI’ button to see your results instantly! –Click Here


      We have two winners!

      A first place $250 Gift Card winner & a second place $100 Gift Card winner!

      1.Congratulations Mila Mendoza on winning our 1st Prize $250 ProspectsPLUS! Gift Card!


      Mila shared the following feedback with ProspectsPLUS!

      “I’m using ProspectsPLUS! Real Estate Marketing Planner. I like every step of it!!!”

      Mila’s latest marketing pieces she’s sent out include – the Fence Sitter Series, First Time Home Buyer Series, and Agent Introduction Series.

      Fence Sitter Series, First Time Buyer Series and Agent Introduction Series postcards

      2. Congratulations Ana Steinman on winning the 2nd Prize $100 ProspectsPLUS! Gift Card

      Ana shared the following feedback with ProspectsPLUS!,

      I have been using ProspectPLUS! for a few months and I am very happy with their service.

      As a Real Estate Professional I find this company very professional and reliable.

      I am sending postcards very often and so far it has given me good results“.

      Ana’s latest marketing pieces she’s sent out include – The Just Sold Series, Get More Listings Series, and Neighborhood Update Series.


      Just Sold Series, Get More Listings Series, Neighborhood Update Series postcards

      Take the lead from Mila and Ana and send at least 100 marketing pieces to an area where you want more buyers or sellers!

      You might also like:

      How to Harness the 5 Key Traits of ‘Rock Star’ Agents

      Agent Facebook Success: Rules of Engagement

      Need help targeting the perfect niche of buyers or sellers? Use our mailing list tool to create the ideal list (it’s easy) or call our support team for assistance at 866.405.3638!

        Just curious: Why aren’t you telling your clients what you do for them? Sure, we’ve all seen the memes or infographics that list the tasks agents perform, but do you supply these to each and every client that signs on with you?

        Do you outline on your website and in your listing presentations what you actually do for clients? And, no, we aren’t talking “negotiate to get you the best deal,” or “make suggestions on how to get your home ready for the market,” although those items do have a place on the list.

        We’re talking a lengthy and impressive list of everything you do to earn the money you’re paid.

        It’s truly a pity that this is even a suggestion. Do you wonder what your doctor, lawyer, veterinarian, hair stylist or plumber does to earn the money you pay them?

        Apparently, buyers think that all you do is run MLS searches and open doors for them and sellers think your biggest contribution is helping to figure out home value and sticking a sign in the yard.

        Unfortunately, the real estate agent’s “respectable profession” has been downgraded to a pastime, according to Justin Fox at

        Unlike other professions, to get the respect you deserve, you’ll need to earn it – to prove your worth.

        Sucks, I know. 

        Provide them insight (available in the postcard section under the Get More Listings Series)
        From their mouths to your ears

        “With the press of a button, the home was online and buyers began touring the home,” a home seller told Andrea Requier at

        “However, my listing agent was not giving the tours, the buyer’s agents were. After the home sold, I realized that my agent did very little to earn his share of (the commission),” he concluded.

        Notice how the seller credits both technology and buyers’ agents for the traffic through his home. He doesn’t seem to have a clue that his listing agent is responsible and exactly how much work it took to generate that traffic.

        We can place the blame for real estate consumers’ ignorance of your job duties on others, but since so much of what you do is performed behind the scenes, the blame lies with agents.

        It’s not enough to tell prospective clients how amazing you are. It’s not enough to list your statistics and to sling a snappy slogan at them.

        This is not your parents’ real estate industry

        “Emerging technologies and data-driven startups are empowering consumers and fundamentally changing the way they buy and sell properties,” according to Tommy O’Shaughnessy at

        “What’s more, discount and nontraditional brokerages are challenging the longstanding reign of the traditional realtor model.”

        There are real threats to what we once assumed was a pretty bullet-proof profession. Now is not the time for complacency; not when all of these emerging technologies and alternative brokerages are busy proving their worth to the consumer.

        What else real estate consumers don’t get

        Interestingly, nearly half of home sellers think the buyer pays their agent’s commission, according to the results of a Clever Real Estate study published in February 2019.

        Other interesting tidbits from the study include:

        • Nearly half of listing clients were unaware that they would be paying the buyer’s agent.
        • Nearly 40 percent of the survey respondents feel that artificial intelligence technology can sell a home better than a real estate agent.
        • Millennial home sellers were twice as likely to say that their agent was “unimportant or not important at all in the home-selling process.”


        Far too many agents aren’t educating their clients and it’s to the point now where their ignorance of the process and what you do to earn the commission is discounted below that of artificial intelligence.

        Provide peace of mind and confidence (available in the postcard section under Get More Listings Series)
        It’s time to let them know a few things

        To prove your value, start with explaining every last detail of the buying or selling process.

        Explain to your buyers what to expect from the mortgage process, from start to finish, including the major players (loan processor, underwriter, etc.) and what duties each performs. This shows your knowledge – stuff they wouldn’t get if they were winging it on their own.

        Go over the purchase agreement and all other forms the buyer will be expected to sign, explaining when he or she will receive it, what it means and what happens after it’s submitted.

        You’ll naturally want to explain your part in the process as well. Assisting with repair negotiations and stressing the importance of performing the final walk through with a professional at hand are two you don’t want to neglect.

        For instance, you might want to explain to a home seller:

        “After you sign the listing agreement, I’ll head back to the office and call the sign company to ensure a sign is placed in your yard. I’ll begin the marketing campaign by writing a description of the home for the MLS entry. Then, I’ll …”

        Step-by-step, what you do from list to close, or from the time a buyer signs on with you to close.

        It should go without saying that you should explain complicated terms. Even some you don’t think are complicated, such as contingency, escrow, earnest money and title search.

        A glossary of common real estate terms on your website can streamline this process. Just steer them to the right page.

        Speaking of your website, how about creating an infographic outlining all the steps that you take when working with clients and posting it on your site?

        So much of what a real estate agent does goes on behind the scenes. How are consumers going to know what you do—the value provided by working with you—if you don’t let them know each and every duty you perform?

        Send at least 100 Just Curious About Selling postcards from the Get More Listings Series.
        Let them know you’re ready to listen (available in the postcard section under Get More Listings)

        Need help targeting the perfect niche of buyers or sellers? Use our mailing list tool to create the ideal list (it’s easy) or call our support team for assistance at 866.405.3638!

        PLUS: When you have time…here are Free ways we can help you have an INVINCIBLE 2019!

        1. Become a Listing Legend Free eBook 

        Ready to take a vertical leap in your real estate career? If you’re looking for inspiration…and the tools and methods to dominate a market and go to the top in real estate…you’ll find them in this free book. – Click Here 



        2. “Get More Listings” Free Online Webinar


        “Get MORE Listings & Begin to Dominate Your Market!” Free online webinar. Learn the 3-7-27 strategy for explosive growth, why 95% of agents have less than 20% market share, and how to become the agent everyone competes against. – Click Here



        3. The 12 Month Done-For-You Strategic Marketing Plan

        The Real Estate Marketing Planner is a powerful 12-Month-Guide that strategically defines what marketing to do when. Four key market segments are included, Niche Marketing, Get More Listings, Geographic Farming, and Sphere of Influence. – Click Here



        4. The Free One-Page Real Estate Business Plan

        Treat your business like a business it is vital to long-term success in this industry. Some agents may put together elaborate business plans, yet there’s something powerful about keeping it simple. Check out our one page Online Real Estate Business Plan.  – Click Here



        5. The Free Online ROI Calculator

        Consistency and automation are the keys to success. Discover how effective direct mail marketing can dramatically increase your bottom line. Enter your statistics in our Free online ROI Calculator and click the ‘CALCULATE MY ROI’ button to see your results instantly! – Click Here

        Provide a fresh perspective (available in the postcard section under Get More Listings Series)

        The Ins & Outs of the Divorce Niche

        Leaving her husband was the most gut-wrenching decision Louise would make in her adult life.

        Or, so she thought.

        What to do with the family’s home as they separated soon rivaled the decision to leave.

        Images of the kids being ripped from their friends in the neighborhood, sleeping in strange bedrooms and trying to settle into a new school made her question whether divorce was the right answer.

        Then, there was the house.

        The one she and her husband shopped for, fought for, fixed up to meet their needs, loved, maintained and in which they built memories.

        Man, giving that up is a hard concept to deal with.

        With the help of her attorney and a dedicated, empathic real estate agent, Louise overcame the turmoil and was able to move on with her life.

        Yes, divorce rates seem to be on the decline in the U.S. yet 40 to 50 percent of American marriages still end in divorce.

        Furthermore, divorcing couples sell homes and, often, purchase another. Although it sounds a bit mercenary, the divorce niche in real estate can be quite lucrative. 

        Someone needs to help couples going through this challenge.

        At the risk of sounding like we’re objectifying living, breathing human beings (humans who are in emotional pain), you won’t find a more motivated home seller than someone going through a divorce.

        Whether it’s because of a court order or simple logistics, most (but not all) divorcing couples choose to include the home when liquidating their assets.

        You don’t necessarily need to have personal marital break-up experience to effectively pursue divorce leads, but agents who do are one-step ahead of you.

         What you need to know to work with divorcing couples

        Working with divorced or divorcing couples isn’t easy. It isn’t for those who lack empathy, tact, diplomacy or patience.

        It’s for the counselors among the agent ranks, the educators, those who truly want to help and aren’t in it for the quick commission.

        Agent Scott Weeda, for instance, tells NPR’s Sara Lerner about just one of the strategies he’s found effective when working with divorcing couples:

        “I never try to force them to communicate together, which means a lot of separate and duplicate communication, so that neither ever has the impression that I’m trying to force the agenda of one on the other,” he says.

        This may mean coordinating separate meetings for everything from signing the listing agreement to acknowledging contingency releases, presenting offers and closing.

        But that is one strategy in a process full of them.

        How to generate divorce listing leads

        You have several options when it comes to finding divorce leads. One of the easiest is, of course, to buy a list. Companies such as ReboGateway (started and run by former agents and brokers) offer lists that they obtain from mining court records.

        We offer postcards that speak specifically to divorcing couples selling their home in our Life Event Postcard Series. These postcards integrate with ReboGateway. To learn more about how to export a divorced homeowners mailing list from Rebogateway into your ProspectsPLUS! account click here (from a desktop computer).

        Or, consider mailing to quit claim deed filers. A real estate investor who specializes in divorce listings claims, in a thread at bigger, that about 20 percent of responses to his quitclaim deed ads come from divorcing couples.

        “Most of the time I am contacted from the person who decided to keep the house and now they understand they can no longer afford it,” he explains.

        He also advertises in a local grade school’s parent newsletter. The ad directs the reader to a landing page he designed specifically for couples going through a divorce.

        If you think that sending a divorce focused postcard is too direct send a postcard from our Get More Listings Series instead. This series is targeted at driving more listings. As long as you get your name in front of these couples you’re one step ahead of everyone else.

        Get referrals

        If you decide to make divorce real estate your sole niche, consider a program that teaches you how to work with the family law community to earn their referrals.

        Laurel Starks, divorce agent and author of “The House Matters in Divorce” offers classes in how to get divorce leads and how to work with divorcing couples.

        She is the founder of the Divorce Real Estate Institute and teaches agents about the “two paths to successfully serving divorcing clients.”

        Since the 2019 real estate market remains up in the air right now, choosing the divorce niche may just mean the success of your business this year.

        Send our Divorce: Curve Ball postcard from our Life Event Series to your list of divorced homeowners.
        Remember to export your Rebogateway list of divorced homeowner into your ProspectsPLUS! account, click here to learn more (From a desktop computer).

        Need help targeting the perfect niche of buyers or sellers? Use our mailing list tool to create the ideal list (it’s easy) or call our support team for assistance at 866.405.3638!

        PLUS: When you have time…here are 4 free ways we can help you have an INVINCIBLE 2019!

        1. Become a Listing Legend Free eBook 

        Ready to take a vertical leap in your real estate career? If you’re looking for inspiration…and the tools and methods to dominate a market and go to the top in real estate…you’ll find them in this free book. – Click Here 


        2. The Free One-Page Real Estate Business Plan

        Treat your business like a business it is vital to long-term success in this industry. Some agents may put together elaborate business plans, yet there’s something powerful about keeping it simple. Check out our one page Online Real Estate Business Plan  – Click Here


        3. The 12 Month Done-For-You Strategic Marketing Plan

        The Real Estate Marketing Planner is a powerful 12-Month-Guide that strategically defines what marketing to do when. Four key market segments are included, Niche Marketing, Listing Inventory, Geographic Farming, and Sphere of Influence – Click Here


        4. The Free Online ROI Calculator

         Consistency and automation are the keys to success. Discover how effective direct mail marketing can dramatically increase your bottom line. Enter your statistics in our Free online ROI Calculator and click the ‘CALCULATE MY ROI’ button to see your results instantly! – Click Here

        Also…check out these game-changing tools!

         Three Click Postcards – Just snap a home photo & create a postcard all from your mobile phone – Automated Just Listed, Just Sold Postcards

        Market Dominator System – Become a neighborhood brand & achieve 20% market share

        Want to Refer a friend or colleague? Refer them, Here. THEY get a Free $25 Gift Card and YOU become their hero. BTW, you also get a $25 Gift Card too (now that’s what I’m talking about)!

        Our business flourishes from recommendations just like yours and we truly appreciate your review of our products and services – Review us here