Wednesday, January 15, 2025

free list

    Every year, the NAR publishes a survey. And, every year we learn that consumers, despite saying they’d use their previous agent, go with the first agent they meet.

    On the face of it, that seems like a pretty sad state of affairs—unless you can use that behavior to your advantage.

    The need for speed

    An older study of call response times to leads shows that from 35% to 50% of sales go to whoever reaches the prospect first.

    This same study revealed that the chances you’ll actually make contact with a lead diminish the longer you wait to call. In fact, it decreases by more than 10 times in the first hour.

    Unless you’re a one-woman or man show, wearing all the hats in your real estate business, it’s crazy not to do this ONE THING every time – call leads back a.s.a.p.

    Within 5 minutes is optimal

    Consider this: A red-hot lead is an online visitor who takes the time to enter her real name and real contact information.

    Red-hot leads require your immediate attention. After all, they don’t typically come along every day. These people expect to hear from you and the other five agents they reached out to.

    Be the first agent they talk to.

    Do the call-back within 5 minutes and you’ll not only have the best chance of reaching the party, but call-backs within those 5 minutes convert better than call-backs made later. If you wait for a half-hour, your chances with the lead plummet 21%.

    Mortgage Options, Direct Response Free Report, see HERE
    What not to say

    First, be prepared for the call-back. If the lead expressed interest in a particular property, print out the listing and familiarize yourself with it fully.

    Then, don’t be overly salesy. Or talkative. Let the lead take the lead and be prepared to answer all questions.

    Many sales coaches say that the first follow-up call should be informative, friendly, and very brief. Again, follow the lead. If he or she is chatty and doesn’t seem in a rush to get off the phone, keep chatting.

    If, on the other hand, the lead is all business and seems rushed, take that as a clue to keep it brief.

    What to Say

    “Hi John, this is Anita Deal with World’s Best Real Estate Brokerage. I’m following up on your request for information on the home for sale at 123 Main Street. How can I help?”

    Now, zip it and listen. Answer the lead’s questions and gauge whether he’s got time to talk or needs to be let go.

    If it’s the former, ask non-threatening qualifying questions. These include:

    • Are you working with a real estate agent?
    • When do you plan on moving?
    • Have you seen a lender?
    • Do you have a home to sell before buying?

    Don’t let the lead hang up without getting permission to follow up by phone, text or email.

    If you offer a lead magnet, such as a free special report, offer to send it.

    “May I email you my free report, 4 Mortgage Options With Low Down Payments”. Online leads are among the best you’ll get in real estate. Be brief, don’t be salesy, and get permission to follow up.

    Keep it simple and human

    Your UVP needs to be simple, both in length and in word choice. Here’s an example of what not to do:

    We are “… a dominant online presence with a combination of innovative marketing and strategic outreach. Cutting-edge lead capture and unique tracking URL’s ensure exposure and buyer retention.”

    Put yourself in the shoes of a consumer reading this UVP on the group’s website.

    What is “lead capture?” And “cutting edge” these terms have become absolute turn-offs. Tracking URL’s? Buyer retention? Where is the part of the UVP that allows the reader to clearly understand the value this team offers?

    Then, ironically, this same UVP shows up on seven other real estate websites. Seven agents trying to prove what makes them different share a UVP with seven other brokerages.

    Here’s another that we found. “Our astute team creates a plethora of assets unique to your home.”

    Aside from dumping the words “astute” and “plethora,” this real estate team needs to describe exactly what “assets” they will “create.”

    If you can save consumers money on their real estate deal, make the process easier, or make it quicker, you’ve got yourself the makings of a UVP that will attract real estate clients.

    Thinking of going after the Empty Nest niche market for more leads? Right now, get the first 100 prospects on an Empty Nest list for FREE!

    Discover Empty Nesters in Your Area and Get the First 100 for FREE with the Demographic Search Tool.


    Hit “CLICK HERE”, below (from a desktop or laptop computer) and choose the Demographic Search Tool.

    USE PROMO CODE: EMPTY100 to get the first 100 prospects free.

    Discover Empty Nesters in your area, now, CLICK HERE!

    This sale expires on 10/16/21. Please reach out to our support team at 866.405.3638 with questions or if there is anything we can do to help you with your success.

    PLUS: When you have time…below are some helpful tools to support your success.

    1. The Free 12 Month Done-For-You Strategic Marketing Plan

    The Real Estate Marketing Planner is a powerful 12-Month-Guide that strategically defines what marketing to do when. Four key market segments are included, Niche Marketing, Get More Listings, Geographic Farming, and Sphere of Influence. –Click Here

    2. The Free Interactive Real Estate Business Plan

    The Free Interactive Real Estate Business Plan allows you to enter your business goals for this year and get a breakdown of how many prospects, listings, closing, and so on are needed to reach your goals.  – Click Here

    3. The Automated Way to Become a Neighborhood Brand

    Become branded in a specific neighborhood with a 12X15 marketing piece sent automatically each month to an exclusive carrier route. Watch this video to learn more or Click Here.

    4. The Free Real Estate Mailing List Guide

    This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Real-Estate-Mailing-List-Guide2-3-D-999x1024.jpg

    The Real Estate Mailing List Guide outlines the top tools for generating targeted prospecting lists including Baby Boomers, Empty Nesters, Investors, Lifestyle Interests, High-Income Renters, Move-Up Markets, and more. The Guide also defines done-for-you marketing campaigns to match these markets. –Click Here

    5. The Become a Listing Legend Free eBook 

    This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Become-A-Listing-Legend-3D-Book-White-274x300.jpg

    Ready to take a vertical leap in your real estate career? If you’re looking for inspiration…and the tools and methods to dominate a market and go to the top in real estate…you’ll find them in this free book. – Click Here

    6. The Free Online ROI Calculator

    This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is ROI-calculator-b-233x300.jpg

    Consistency and automation are the keys to success. Discover how effective direct mail marketing can dramatically increase your bottom line. Enter your statistics in our Free online ROI Calculator and click the ‘CALCULATE MY ROI’ button to see your results instantly! –Click Here

    7. The Free Real Estate Marketing Guide “CRUSH IT” 

    This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is CRUSH-IT-Guide-3-d-298x300.jpg

    The “Crush It” Guide includes easy steps to launching an effective direct mail marketing campaign, how to create a targeted prospect list, the perfect way to layout marketing materials for success, seven opportunities available to target in your area right now. –Click Here