Friday, October 18, 2024

Facebook leads

    “Successful marlin fishing involves having the right gear, knowing the right fishing tactics and techniques, and being in the right place at the right time,” according to

    The same can be said about anything one is trying to capture, from a mouse or a crook to the perfect photograph and, yes, real estate leads.

    The challenge for many real estate agents attempting to capture leads is that, while they may understand tactics and techniques, they lack the proper gear.

    So, let’s start with that and then get into how to use that “gear” to lure real estate leads on Facebook.

    Mackerel or marlins?

    Real estate agents can learn a lot about lead generation and capture from the fishing world. And, the first step is to determine who it is you’re trying to lure. Gone are the days of agents marketing to “anyone who is breathing.” It’s inefficient and ineffective.

    Who do you want to work with, buyers or sellers? First-time buyers or repeat buyers? Luxury homeowners or condo owners?

    Figuring out what you’re fishing for and then who these people are is key to any marketing strategy, most especially when you’re marketing on Facebook.

    Before you do any further planning, head over to Facebook’s Policies to ensure that your promotion follows the rules.

    Choose your lure

    Watching a video of man- or woman- against marlin, it’s easy to assume that the most challenging part of catching one is the fight. The angler, strapped into a boat’s fighting chair, pumping and reeling, while the huge fish leaps and spins, makes for compelling footage.

    But, “big blue” didn’t just stop by and ask for the fight – he (or she) responded to a lure.

    And, not just any lure. Depending on species and sea conditions, the boat’s captain will choose from an array of lures he or she feels will be most attractive to the fish.

    Premium content might hook them

    Premium content is one way to lure Facebook leads. This type of content is different than what you offer by means of blog posts. It’s “a type of digital content that may be accessed for a fee, and is usually of higher quality or more desirable than free” content, say the folks at

    You won’t, however, be charging a fee for your content. You will, on the other hand, ask for information in return.

    And, now that you know who you are “fishing” for, determining the type of content to offer is a whole lot easier.

    Remember, it’s called “premium” content for a reason. It’s higher quality than regular content, longer in length and, as the Techopedia folks say, it’s “exceptionally informative.”

    An ideal type of premium content is a Free Report. Offer Free Reports in person, through direct mail, email and add to your website as a free download in exchange for an email.

    There are a variety of long-form content types from which to choose:
    • A list and in-depth description of down payment assistance programs
    • Infographic
    • Tutorial
    • Ebook
    • In-depth guides, such as city guides, neighborhood guides, buying and selling guides, relocation guides.
    • Reports (basically just 3,000-word articles)
    • Checklist (staging, moving, loan application, etc.)
    • Long articles (at least 3,000 words)

    Get more tips on creating and marketing with premium content at

    Facebook giveaways to lure real estate leads

    A prize giveaway is another way to lure Facebook leads.

    And, make no mistake, what you’re giving away is key to the promotion’s success. “I mean, who’s really going to take the time of day to like, comment on, and share a post when all they stand to gain is a $15 gift card for coffee?” asks Pat Hiban at

    “Almost no one,” he claims. Take the time to carefully consider an item that you’re contemplating giving away. Hiban lists several that worked well for other agents:

    • Family passes to a popular local attraction, such as a waterpark or amusement park.
    • Tickets to a sporting event. Hiban suggests “tickets to a local team’s upcoming game  or even tickets to college games often work.”
    • The latest smartphone

    Or, make the prize appropriate to an upcoming holiday. In 2017, Chattanooga attorneys Warren & Griffin gave away a stainless-steel barbecue grill and threw in a $50 Walmart gift card that the winner could use to purchase the goodies to cook on the new grill.

    Use your favorite graphics program to create compelling Facebook posts to promote the giveaway and ensure that everything steers them to a dedicated squeeze page where you’ll capture their information.

    Facebook’s rules state that users can’t force participants to share, like or follow to be entered for the prize. So, don’t force them. Hiban offers a brilliant alternative:

    “Know someone who needs” a new grill? “Share this giveaway so that they have a chance to win!”

    Get more Facebook giveaway ideas and tips at and

    Show them you know what’s on their mind (available in the postcard section under Get More Listing Series)
    Another way to generate leads is to send at least 100 Should You Stay or Go postcards from the Get More Listings Series to an area where you want more leads.
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