Success Strategies

No Client Should be a “Former Client.” Five Strategies to Reconnect

By Lisa Gray

September 16, 2024

Nurturing. It’s the most effective method of moving leads and prospects through the sales funnel. Do it right, and you end up with clients who, if nurtured, can provide you with referrals.

Nurturing your past clients requires reconnecting with them consistently after the transaction.

1. Ensure that your customer service is unforgettable

No, you don’t need to present them with a whirlwind trip worldwide at closing. It’s the small things that when added up, will leave the best impression and one that will last far into the future:

2. Keep them abreast of the latest local housing market news

Create a customized housing market news report template to send to former clients quarterly, semi-annually, or annually.

Homeowners love to know how their home is holding or not holding its value. Keep it simple to understand by using lots of visuals.

3. Just Listeds and Just Solds

Be alert for just listed or sold homes in your former clients’ neighborhoods. This is the perfect time to reconnect and show you’re keeping abreast of local real estate.  You’ll find some brilliant Just Listed and Just Sold postcards right here.

4. Celebrate with them 

Hopefully, you’ve kept track of important dates in your former clients’ lives. This includes birthdays and anniversaries (especially the anniversary of when they purchased their home).

Mark those dates to send a small gift to the former client’s office.

Why the office?

Ask anyone who has received a bouquet of flowers at work how many of their co-workers asked who they were from and what the occasion was.

Just think how much free word-of-mouth advertising you’ll get when your former client tells coworkers that the gift is from their real estate agent to celebrate the anniversary of their home purchase.

5. Send an updated CMA

Your past client reconnection efforts should include an annual CMA to keep them abreast of how their home stacks up regarding market value. They may not be considering selling, but they are most likely curious about their home’s market value.

Make sure you put this task in your CRM so you won’t forget about it.

Reconnecting with folks you’ve done business with is a tried-and-true referral generator.